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  1. R O S E N R O T

    Realistic or Modern The Melting Pot

    Josiah Hawley Type II | The Caring, Interpersonal Type | The Nice Guy Josiah was halfway up the stairs when a flash of pink burst in front of him. When the gum popped, his line of vision was then directed to the young woman who blew the bubble seconds ago. She has a hand extended, while...
  2. R O S E N R O T

    Realistic or Modern The Melting Pot

    Josiah Hawley Type II | The Caring, Interpersonal Type | The Nice Guy <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/resized.jpg.2cff4afa7dbffae81c2b108fc9a57e0d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70333"...
  3. R O S E N R O T

    Realistic or Modern Bonding Over a Bonfire

    "Yes, ma'am," Lukas replied to her question, as he continued watching the night sky. "We're sweethearts now? Damn. At least let me take you out to a date first," he smiled a small smile and imagined for a moment what it will be like if he actually dated someone. First, it'd be a trip to the...
  4. R O S E N R O T

    Realistic or Modern Bonding Over a Bonfire

    Lukas kept his eyes closed even when a new voice invaded the silence. He didn't mind though; company is nice from time to time. "I don't mind," he replied, "sit anywhere you like. The sand, the sky, and the beach, is for everyone, darling." Darling, that's what his mother used to call him, until...
  5. R O S E N R O T

    Realistic or Modern Bonding Over a Bonfire

    "Whatever," he muttered under his breath as Chanel excused herself and moved to Anastasia. @Zatanna The girl was just really busting his balls because he didn't see any blood coming from her lip. Besides, who need first aid for something like that? Anastasia seems to have taken a liking to the...
  6. R O S E N R O T

    Realistic or Modern Bonding Over a Bonfire

    Lukas watched as Edward pulled a flask out of his bag. "Dank sei Gott," he muttered under his breath as he accepted a drink from him. @Inritz It took all of his self-control not to drain the entire thing, before passing it around. "Danke schön," he replied to the older guy, "Yeah, it is legal...
  7. R O S E N R O T

    Realistic or Modern Bonding Over a Bonfire

    "There're two reasons why people ain't talkin' 'bout things; either it don’t mean anythin' to 'em, or it means ev'rythin'." Wise words Lukas heard from a bum he was out drinking with, late out at night after work. The guy somehow managed to acquire a drink of his own, and was asking for company...
  8. R O S E N R O T

    Realistic or Modern Bonding Over a Bonfire

    "The name's Lukas," @Inritz The mention of being drunk made Lukas remember about the drink he was supposed to have, and the anticipation of tomorrow's promise of liquor made his hands start shaking. He quickly shoved them into the pockets of his jeans.
  9. R O S E N R O T

    Realistic or Modern Bonding Over a Bonfire

    The first response he got was from a young woman with brown hair and sad eyes. @claryfawn He gave her a small smile before replying, "Yeah, I do. Apparently I'm not the only one who does." From the looks of her, and the strain in her voice, Lukas figured the girl might've been crying. But he...
  10. R O S E N R O T

    Realistic or Modern Bonding Over a Bonfire

    Lukas Fleischmann The love of his life stared back at him, through cold eyes, taunting him to make the move. They first met at the back of a convenience store back in '09, and she had held him by the collar ever since. She played with him, controlled him, made him do all sorts of things...
  11. R O S E N R O T

    Realistic or Modern Why Can't We Be Friends

    Josiah Hawley <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/lppp.jpg.d312e3928c3bac35999a38c95a6ae7c0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="66436" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/lppp.jpg.d312e3928c3bac35999a38c95a6ae7c0.jpg"...
  12. R O S E N R O T

    Realistic or Modern Love Game

    Josiah Hawley On the bright side, the disaster was averted. On the other hand, his stupid small attempt at flirting, if he can even call it that, had gone unnoticed. Wow, I'm so awful at this kind of thing, he thought, as he watched Chloe get something from her purse. If there's anything...
  13. R O S E N R O T

    Realistic or Modern Why Can't We Be Friends

    Josiah Hawley <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/loll.jpg.064ac910c6f38f02a559c5371352bc64.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="65162" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/loll.jpg.064ac910c6f38f02a559c5371352bc64.jpg"...
  14. R O S E N R O T

    Realistic or Modern Love Game

    Josiah Hawley "It's because--" he started to explain as the brunette moved closer to him, with a slight hint of disapproval on her face. Josiah was starting to feel the weight of the bags on his shoulders as he looked for the right words to say. Initially, he was going to tell her that...
  15. R O S E N R O T

    Realistic or Modern Love Game

    Josiah Hawley The blond was overly proud of himself for lasting the entire speech without dozing off for even just a minute, even though the corner of his lower lip has been bleeding profusely since he started biting on it to keep himself awake. If he had to be completely honest with...
  16. R O S E N R O T

    Realistic or Modern Love Game

    Josiah Hawley "What do you mean I have to participate in a love game show?" Josiah asked as he replaced his suit with a more casual attire. He donned a plain white polo shirt, with the sleeves rolled up, black trousers, and red Converse sneakers. "It's only going to last for a little while...
  17. R O S E N R O T

    Realistic or Modern Living The Suite Life: Lights! Camera! Action!

    Josiah Hawley Ever since the incident, Josiah had been avoiding looking at Chandler as best as he can. He knows the guy, and the fact that he hadn't said anything about what happened, made him extremely worried. There are only two reasons for this situation: A.) Chandler didn't notice what...
  18. R O S E N R O T

    Realistic or Modern Living The Suite Life: Lights! Camera! Action!

    Josiah Hawley Sometimes, Josiah believes that there aren't enough thank yous in the world to properly thank someone. A prime example is when he was adopted by Tom Hawley, he thanked the man everyday for giving him a nice home, and tolerating his horrifying singing in the shower. He felt...
  19. R O S E N R O T

    Realistic or Modern Living The Suite Life: Lights! Camera! Action!

    Josiah Hawley "Cool. Well then miss Ash, shall we get going?" Without waiting for a reply, Josiah spun on his heels and continued walking towards Mr. Cunningham's direction. Glancing around the area, the blond recognized a lot of names and mentally patted himself on the back for doing his...
  20. R O S E N R O T

    Realistic or Modern Living The Suite Life: Lights! Camera! Action!

    Josiah Hawley The voice came from a young woman with interesting blonde-bluish hair tied up in a high ponytail. She's wearing simple, but comfortable clothing, that made her stand out from the glitz and glamour of the crowd. When she said his name, Josiah acted surprised and looked around...