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  1. JustaDudeNamedKyle

    Realistic or Modern Heroes Will Fall [IC]

    Kon Tract Slowly... behind the boat a good 30 feet but keeping pace there is a slight disturbance in the water... Blood trails off from the edges of Kon's Form from the new couple inside his stomach. A smile crosses his face underwater as he attempts to close the distance between himself and the...
  2. JustaDudeNamedKyle

    Realistic or Modern Heroes Will Fall [IC]

    Kon was thankful that this man did not know his power. He had escaped the bloodshed inside the warehouse but he still had to show his worth to both the other villians and his mistress. As such he started to pray. Praying in his tongue was filled with hisses and shouts loud enough to wake the...
  3. JustaDudeNamedKyle

    Realistic or Modern Heroes Will Fall [IC]

    Kon groaned under the weight of the roof as he shifts onto his tail, letting the bunnies he had protected under him out... then he hears that blasted noise "oh good... hessss here..." he stands and roars to his allies "THE DAMN ENGINEER IS MINE!" as he dashes off out of the building following...
  4. JustaDudeNamedKyle

    Realistic or Modern Heroes Will Fall [IC]

    Kon Tract Kon delayed for a long time before finally slithering the warehouse because in truth... he was scared. He has made many an enemy over his time and entering into a hot spot of criminals seemed like a terrible idea.However his curiosity and lust for bettering himself won over as he...