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  1. Four The Magician

    Fantasy ◇Ordinacy◇

    Location: Cathedral Mood: Alert Situation: Possible Altercation Hunter realized the event before him was just being misunderstood and began to put his weapon back into his coat but stopping just as it was entering when he noticed the bladed man was turning towards him. His face remained neutral...
  2. Four The Magician

    Fantasy ◇Ordinacy◇

    Hunter strode towards the gathering, his three quarter length black jacket flowing behind him, his right hand securing where his MP5 Sub Machine Gun sat within his coat and his left hand pulling the buttons close, both hands clad in black tactical gloves. Once everything was secure and his black...
  3. Four The Magician

    Fantasy Guild| Always Open

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/cooltext196535420560242.png.a44276373da325aedf23f46b63529cea.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="147285"...
  4. Four The Magician

    Fantasy Guild| Always Open

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/cooltext196674265146149.png.13d02b1f158e4d8915580120ea339070.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="146697"...
  5. Four The Magician

    Fantasy Guild| Always Open

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/cooltext196535420560242.png.dfc94db6efcc48a35a8ae057074698c9.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="146534"...
  6. Four The Magician

    Fantasy Guild| Always Open

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/cooltext196535420560242.png.eabc8ebe49af370dc17c00633b692dfc.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="146297"...
  7. Four The Magician

    Fantasy Pirates [FULL]

    Raiden “Lightning” Fujioka Raiden laughed and gave a small smile at the way his Captain acted watching her interact with the man, “Lady’s Crown? I heard a few people talking about that as I walked about this place this morning didn’t really listen though.” Raiden laughed once more as he looked...
  8. Four The Magician

    Fantasy Pirates [FULL]

    Raiden walked through the crowds slipping past large groups crowding around different stalls, Raiden himself paying for many different fruits along the way stuffing his face. As his food was finished he began to push through the crowds once more, emerging into an empty alleyway peering around...
  9. Four The Magician

    Fantasy The Comet

    Alfred probably didn't realize his joke was in poor taste, but as he looked at her he understood. "Aren't we all, or at least I've been told as teenagers we're all too emotional." Alfred nodded and gritted his teeth a little. "Why do they think we need to be guarded, could you imagine anyone our...
  10. Four The Magician

    Fantasy The Comet

    Pointing in a random direction Al spoke softly. "I believe that's the way? Though I'm probably wrong." Keeping his mouth shut he just walked along in what he thought was the right direction, until he decided to crack a joke that is. "Accident prone, hey?" Al gave a small laugh as he gestured...
  11. Four The Magician

    Fantasy The Comet

    As Alfred was walking away he stopped and turned around towards Violet, "Would you like to come find a guard so we can find our new living location." asking only her due to her body language, Al was young but not stupid and knew what it looked like to resent other people. @xXDeathXLifeXAngelXx
  12. Four The Magician

    Fantasy The Comet

    Alfred sighed as well. "I'm Alfred by the way, I don't think they need guards my power is of too much inconvenience and definitely not worth having. It's nice to meet you all but I think I'm going to go sleep the day away. I most likely won't see any of you first day as sleep is my main choice."...
  13. Four The Magician

    Fantasy The Comet

    Taking the handbook from the new girl he sighed, "I just threw things quickly into my bag here." with a quick look Alfred held open the map in it using his index finger to point towards the Dorms. "I assume this is my location then?" He asked the girl.
  14. Four The Magician

    Fantasy The Comet

    Al nodded once more then gave a sigh as his face turned back to his normal half asleep face, then another person ran up joining them. "Maybe she knows?" Alfred said pointing towards the new comer. Skipping straight past hello's and introductions Alfred quickly asked, "Where do we move into, if...
  15. Four The Magician

    Fantasy The Comet

    Alfred gave a small nod towards Violet continuing to look around awkwardly, suddenly everything became less awkward with someone else stepping in. With a quick look from head to toe then back up to the new girls face he gave a small grin, "I was just asking that same question, actually. Do you...
  16. Four The Magician

    Fantasy The Comet

    "Nice to meet you as well, I'm a senior. And you?" Alfred gave a small smile towards the girl and looked at the other person who was walking by, obviously he saw her clothes but he couldn't say much as he was wearing baggy shorts and a baggy hoodie with a hockey bag instead of a suitcase around...
  17. Four The Magician

    Fantasy The Comet

    Alfred shrugged looking around for a moment then back towards the girl in front of him. "I'm Alfred, might as well introduce ourselves to each other since we're in the same school?" Shrugging once more he changed his view towards her bandages then quickly towards the school building.
  18. Four The Magician

    Fantasy The Comet

    Al gave a small nod as Yato spoke and then watched, dumbfounded, as he teleported away shaking his head and peering to the girl who he was speaking to eyeing her up and down once more. "I don't suppose you know where our rooms are, do you?" @xXDeathXLifeXAngelXx
  19. Four The Magician

    Fantasy The Comet

    Alfred took a look at both of them then slowly replied, "Morning." he said with quiet drowned out tone. "Are you the welcoming committee? Because if you are I feel sorry for you, the last time I got up this early is when I thought it was an hour later and for hockey." Alfred shook his head and...
  20. Four The Magician

    Fantasy The Comet

    Alfred was walking past the two other students as one called out his name, as he turned towards them anyone would think they were looking at a zombie with how pale his face was and how baggy his eyes looked, and it could be very possible given their location, but he just gave a confused look...