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  1. Ashglennsubann

    Realistic or Modern Teriel School of Arts (Anime Roleplay)

    (Hey guys wanna RP)
  2. Ashglennsubann

    Realistic or Modern Teriel School of Arts (Anime Roleplay)

    ((Gtg everyone seeya around))
  3. Ashglennsubann

    Realistic or Modern Teriel School of Arts (Anime Roleplay)

    "Hey yuki here's my phone number so we can stay in touch. Oh and give one to Aaron too" Robin said passing her a paper as he speed of to his computer arts class.
  4. Ashglennsubann

    Realistic or Modern Teriel School of Arts (Anime Roleplay)

    "Computer arts, Looks like i am taking quite a diffrent carrer path than you two." He said smiling
  5. Ashglennsubann

    Realistic or Modern Teriel School of Arts (Anime Roleplay)

    "Uh exuse me please....Ask.....before physichal..... contact." Robin said in gaps as he was dragged along the street.
  6. Ashglennsubann

    Realistic or Modern Teriel School of Arts (Anime Roleplay)

    Robin finished up the last eclaire "It must of been hand-crafted most guitars go for 250 factory made."
  7. Ashglennsubann

    Realistic or Modern Teriel School of Arts (Anime Roleplay)

    "650 ??? Isn't that a bit much?? Robin asked (sorry i got caught up in 9gag :P )
  8. Ashglennsubann

    Realistic or Modern Teriel School of Arts (Anime Roleplay)

    "Hello Yuki I'm Robin, Robin Foxx." Robin smiled extending his hand to shake hands
  9. Ashglennsubann

    Realistic or Modern Teriel School of Arts (Anime Roleplay)

    "Yes i know your sister quite well" He said which was a lie but if it made this guy like him more whatever.
  10. Ashglennsubann

    Realistic or Modern Teriel School of Arts (Anime Roleplay)

    "You are both welcome." He said with a smile "Here have and eclaire" He said holding out the plate.
  11. Ashglennsubann

    Realistic or Modern Teriel School of Arts (Anime Roleplay)

    Again another person looking for a place to sit Robin did have one more seat and the man looked like he went to his school. "Hey you can sit here too!" Robin called over to the man. "Study group much" Whispered under his breath
  12. Ashglennsubann

    Realistic or Modern Teriel School of Arts (Anime Roleplay)

    "Hey, Sit here!" Robin Called to the girl as he had a empty chair.
  13. Ashglennsubann

    Realistic or Modern Teriel School of Arts (Anime Roleplay)

    ((Sure join if you want))
  14. Ashglennsubann

    Realistic or Modern Teriel School of Arts (Anime Roleplay)

    (Lets rp) Robin walked into the cafe to do his homework. He order coffee and some eclaires.He sat down and started his work.
  15. Ashglennsubann

    Realistic or Modern Teriel School of Arts (Anime Roleplay)

    ((so are we gonna rp))
  16. Ashglennsubann

    Realistic or Modern Teriel School of Arts (Anime Roleplay)

  17. Ashglennsubann

    Realistic or Modern Teriel School of Arts (Anime Roleplay)

    Robin decided to go home after the shock of what happened. He picked up his phone and decided to call Setsu. (if shes on)(anyone actually still here))
  18. Ashglennsubann

    Realistic or Modern Teriel School of Arts (Anime Roleplay)

    "So do you...uh...want to...go out with me?" He said with giant gaps in his sentences moving his leg nervously (I got to go just anwser i'lll be back on soon to reply)
  19. Ashglennsubann

    Realistic or Modern Teriel School of Arts (Anime Roleplay)

    "It's okay if you don"t back..i..uh..sorry?" He said stuttering. He really did what would she say.
  20. Ashglennsubann

    Realistic or Modern Teriel School of Arts (Anime Roleplay)

    "Heh i guess you" He says as his face completey goes red. wow she is completly dense he thought.