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  1. TurtlesandMonkeys

    On the Bounty

    Jaime turned over in the bed as her eyes flitted open. The sun blinding her a bit as it shone threw the blinds. She covered her eyes with the blanket and turned over in the bed. For a few minutes she completely forgot she was in Tennessee as she sat up and rubbed her eyes. With a sigh she got...
  2. TurtlesandMonkeys

    On the Bounty

    "Sounds good. I'll take the room upstairs if you don't mind." Jaime stood up with a big yawn as she grabbed her bag. She climbed up the stairs and looked around for what seemed like the guest room. Finding it, she went inside and plopped down on the bed with a big sigh. The bed was a tiny bit...
  3. TurtlesandMonkeys

    On the Bounty

    "That's great and all... but where do we go from here? Do we just find some cabin in the woods to stay at, or do we just keep going out on the road until we can't no more?" Jaime wanted to ask, because as much as she loved traveling, she wanted to enjoy it. The idea of traveling while running...
  4. TurtlesandMonkeys

    On the Bounty

    Jaime shook her head as she tried to take it all in. It was a bit too much all at once, but it all made sense. All of this. So it was similar to what Jaime had originally thought. She lifted her head and rubbed her temples a bit, getting a slight headache. "That's why we changed our appearance...
  5. TurtlesandMonkeys

    On the Bounty

    Jaime leaned against the car as she watched Anderson go to the door. She couldn't hear what they were saying, so she just looked around idly as she waited for a signal. She was really hoping that this friend of Anderson's could help out. It was kind of chilly so she put her jacket on crossed her...
  6. TurtlesandMonkeys

    On the Bounty

    Jaime didn't say much after all. This whole thing with Anderson's friend was all on him, and she could only trust him at this point. She made another turn along the way and headed right towards Nashville. The rest of the drive wasn't that long, and it seemed to go by pretty fast. Driving into...
  7. TurtlesandMonkeys

    On the Bounty

    "Are you sure we can trust this friend?" Jaime asked worried. "But with how it is now, former friends and family could turn on us or something." Jaime mentioned. She was sure there was some kind of bounty on their heads by this point. Probably a lot of money for anyone who had any information or...
  8. TurtlesandMonkeys

    On the Bounty

    Jaime nodded to his statements. In her mind it seemed right, and it seemed like a good idea, but a part of her didn't like it too. They would just have to see until the situation comes. Since they were on the topic, Jaime wanted to speak her opinion on the whole solar flare thing. "We don't know...
  9. TurtlesandMonkeys

    On the Bounty

    "Of course they will." Jaime said reassuringly. "They can't spend the next couple of months looking over every inch of property in the country to look for two teenagers. The only way they'll be able to find us is if someone discovers who we are and calls them." Jaime yawned a tiny bit as she...
  10. TurtlesandMonkeys

    On the Bounty

    "I never had any plans. No idea what I wanted to do with my life." Jaime said as she watched the road ahead. "I just figured I would go where ever the wind takes me. Do the opposite of what my parents wanted for me." Thinking back about the last couple of years, she had gotten into some...
  11. TurtlesandMonkeys

    On the Bounty

    "I'm not going to let them take me." Jaime said. "And I won't let them take you either. Or anyone else that we come across. Never again will I stay in the back watching them take these people away." Jaime was getting heated up talking about this. And Anderson's words were hitting her hard. "We...
  12. TurtlesandMonkeys

    On the Bounty

    Leaning back as she drove a bit, she could relax a little. There were barely any cars on the high way and she was making sure to go the exact speed limit. There wasn't a need to be drawing attention from cops hiding out in the darkness. Her mind was elsewhere as she listened to the music. She...
  13. TurtlesandMonkeys

    On the Bounty

    When they got to the rest stop, Jaime hopped out to go to the bathroom right away. She had to use it while also flexing her powers out from the long car ride. Taking in a deep breath, and locking herself in a stall, she took her gloves off and went through the motions she had to do to make sure...
  14. TurtlesandMonkeys

    On the Bounty

    "That's fine. I can drive now if you want." She offered as she stared out the window while they drove. She had gotten tired of making faces at people and had doodle in her notebook for a good while before stopping. She had doodles of cute little cartoon animals and the like. Before running away...
  15. TurtlesandMonkeys

    On the Bounty

    Jaime out her stuff in the car, keeping her notebook up front with her in case she wanted to doodle or write in it while they drove. Hearing Anderson getting excited, she looked over to see the keys in his hand. "Wow how lucky!" She exclaimed. She put the seat back as they started off...
  16. TurtlesandMonkeys

    On the Bounty

    Jaime looked over to see Andersons new hair and smiled. "Looks good! Really good." She got up to get her cup of coffee. "You look like you could pass for a member of a boy band." She chuckled. Shetook a sip of the hit drink as she brished her hair. "I still have to get used to this red. And all...
  17. TurtlesandMonkeys

    On the Bounty

    While she sat and watched the news, her heart sank because she knew her parents saw this. Having her face everywhere all over the country was something she didn't want to happen in her life. It's not like she was actually dangerous or could hurt anyone. Well, maybe she could if she tried, but...
  18. TurtlesandMonkeys

    On the Bounty

    Jaime heard Anderson waking up so she looked over and smiled. "Get enough sleep?" She closed her notebook and put it away. "Coffee's fine. And we're going to need at least another hour if you want to do your hair and stuff." She got off the bed and looked at the little brochure they had that...
  19. TurtlesandMonkeys

    On the Bounty

    Jaime tossed and turned several times in the bed, pulling the covers over her head as if to protect her from something. One could easily tell she was experiencing a nightmare. Beads of sweat rolled down her face as she just forced herself to wake up from the terrible dream. She pulled her legs...
  20. TurtlesandMonkeys

    On the Bounty

    When they eventually got to Georgia and found a small motel nearby, they stopped and rented a room for the night. Jaime was awake as Anderson went to bed and decided to go ahead to dye her hair and trim it a tiny bit. She sat in the mirror and used the dark red hair dye she picked up and started...