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  1. S

    Realistic or Modern Are we That Different?

    Something in the motion shook him back to consciousness. He blinked open his eyes, blearily- his vision was still blurry, but whether that was blood loss or a concussion was anybody's guess. Still, even through the haze, he realized it was much, much brighter. Had there been lights? Where . . ...
  2. S

    Realistic or Modern Are we That Different?

    It was dark when he stumbled, gasping, upon the tiny shed. The moon was barely there, a sliver of light against the darkened sky, and behind him the quiet tension of battle, paused, hung like a waiting noose. If he’d been lucid enough to see it, he might have written it down, a description for...
  3. S

    Fandom Keep The Skies Clear

    "Fareeha Amari, are you asking me out?" Mercy replied, with a light humorous tilt to her tone that implied she didn't really realize what she was saying. And then she did, and immediately froze. Had she just- said that? Oh, that was bad. For one, it was beyond inappropriate. It wasn't her place...
  4. S

    Fandom Keep The Skies Clear

    Mercy's eyes blinked open, and she looked around with the tired confusion that always comes after a nap. She was in the med bay, of course. She was usually in the med bay, but . . . why was Pharah here? Was she hurt? Was she- oh. Right, Mercy had asked her to come, and here she was just sleeping...
  5. S

    Fandom Keep The Skies Clear

    "I won't," Mercy replied, but even then it sounded a little strained. It was lucky that she'd managed to, well, manage her breakddown before it spiraled, but even then she was tired. After she panicked, the best thing was always to curl up with someone she trusted and a hot cup of herbal tea...
  6. S

    Fandom Keep The Skies Clear

    If anyone's bothering you, I'll beat them up for you. Mercy laughed, half-hearted. The thought was funny, and Pharah's wink was cute, even if she did seem oddly flustered, a little off- perhaps that might need to get checked. In any other circumstances she would have smiled, and perhaps felt...
  7. S

    Fandom Keep The Skies Clear

    The air in her lab was too thin. There wasn't enough oxygen, and the air was too thin, and Mercy could feel herself hyperventilating as her lungs struggled to keep up with it. In some distant part of her brain, she acknowledged that she was panicking; the oxygen level in the room was the same as...
  8. S

    Fandom Keep The Skies Clear

    In which it is easy to fall and harder to rise- but it will be worth it, in the end, for the moments- watching the world from the highest vantage point there is: a clear, cloudless sky. (( @Katarina - would you mind starting? I'm a little nervous, but here's the forum!))