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  1. Spoiled Bread

    Fantasy Isekai: Crystallize

    ======================== Unknown Forest ======================== A frustated shriek could be heard as the monkey missed its axe swing. It immediately rushed forward to catch up with the running lizard, only to realize that it can't do much against the scales without the axe so the monkey...
  2. Spoiled Bread

    Fantasy Isekai: Crystallize

    ======================== Unknown Forest ======================== The monkey was clearly confused when it realized that its simple stick won't do much against Jayla's crystal armor. The monkey ran towards its kins who were enjoying one of the corpse, and then for the next several seconds...
  3. Spoiled Bread

    Fantasy Isekai: Crystallize

    ======================== Unknown Forest ======================== The vegetables waved Jayla goodbye as she headed to the west direction. The path she took was proven to be quite a tranquil one. The breezy wind gently rubs the canopy above her, creating a serene rustling noise that was...
  4. Spoiled Bread

    Fantasy Isekai: Crystallize

    ======================== Unknown Forest ======================== Jayla broke through her shell, and all the vegetables started cheering on her while seemingly congratulating each other. Jayla could see the onion patting the back of the leek, or the potato and the carrot hugging each other...
  5. Spoiled Bread

    Fantasy Isekai: Crystallize

    ======================== Nowhere ======================== "Congratulations, you died." Jayla found herself inside a large dome-shaped room. In front of her was a receptionist desk with a slender woman sitting behind, she was looking straight at Jayla's eyes without showing much expression...
  6. Spoiled Bread

    Fantasy Saving the World, One Mistake at a Time

    Shuuri was happy that the orc accepted the name and clapped her hands in joy. She felts like a... mother? Mother would be the one who named their child, right? Though her daydreaming immediately shatter when Gorm once again asked about the crack she came in. Shuuri nervously glanced at the...
  7. Spoiled Bread

    Fantasy Saving the World, One Mistake at a Time

    Shuuri let out a brief gasp when the orc really grabbed her hand. Thankfully it was only resulted in a rather awkward handshake, not bad, she never thought she would be interacting like this with a monster. When she return home, what would she even tell her mother??? Shuuri shook her head. That...
  8. Spoiled Bread

    Fantasy Saving the World, One Mistake at a Time

    Shuuri was surprised the goblins were going to fetch the stuffs she requested immediately. She was thinking they would do it tomorrow during the day, but they probably had better night vision than human. The rest of the goblins and the orc provided few they can, and the girl just stared in...
  9. Spoiled Bread

    Fantasy Saving the World, One Mistake at a Time

    Shuuri could only let out a surprised face when the orc asked about the condition of her legs. For her it was obvious that this kind of injury would need at least a few weeks until it could heal properly, unless healing magic was involved. She could only shrug at that question. "It will get...
  10. Spoiled Bread

    Fantasy Saving the World, One Mistake at a Time

    Good news for Shuuri, the orc seemed to be genuinely not interested in cooking her yet. Bad news for her, getting crushed by those muscle wouldn't be much different. Her mouth was dry, but she couldn't help but gulp nervously. Her priority was now to survive so she could return to her mother...
  11. Spoiled Bread

    Fantasy Saving the World, One Mistake at a Time

    Shuuri slowly opened her eyes and found herself inside an unfamiliar tent. Her head felts itchy so she touched her forehead to see the cause and found that several a bunch of herbs had been plastered over it. She recognized the herb as the one usually used to add pleasing fragnance to food...
  12. Spoiled Bread

    Fantasy Saving the World, One Mistake at a Time

    She could hear steps, she could hear heavy steps. A group of people were coming to her direction, but only when the orc jumped next to her did Shuuri snapped out of confusion and get back to reality. Her eyes widen in disbelief at what she saw. A green muscular creature bigger than anyone she...
  13. Spoiled Bread

    Fantasy Saving the World, One Mistake at a Time

    Bleeding angel, a legendary mushroom that she only saw from the book. It's a parasite that latched themself on another creature. Absorbing nutrient from its host and storing it inside their juicy blue head. When the host was dying however, the mushroom would inject all those nutrients back into...
  14. Spoiled Bread

    Fantasy Saving the World, One Mistake at a Time

    The sea of fire in front of her was enthralling. Beautiful, powerful. Rhiannon opened her arms wide as she breathe in the hot air that was swirling around the area. She didn't even notice the hero on the ground barely escaped her spell. Her art needs full attention. The mage was so sure the...
  15. Spoiled Bread

    Fantasy Saving the World, One Mistake at a Time

    "The stupid midgets gone and now comes the stupid brute." Rhiannon backed down a few steps when the orc came into view. She didn't expect it, and why the hell didn't the scout report it?? Seesh. Still, this might be a good opportunity to use another of her spell. The goblins were too frail that...
  16. Spoiled Bread

    Fantasy Saving the World, One Mistake at a Time

    Rhiannon studied his expression carefully and was disappointed that he seems to not take her inquiry seriously. Well, she was aware her ideas were rather bold. Same things happened back in the academy so she just sighed and they finally arrived at the goblin den. Yuck, they're as gross as...
  17. Spoiled Bread

    Fantasy Saving the World, One Mistake at a Time

    Finally, she's here. This would be her first time to directly visit the Great Wall. The noble's residences were placed way far from it, as if their predecessor still feared that one day the wall would crumble. Maybe they even predicted something like this. Anyway, now that she's here she...
  18. Spoiled Bread

    Fantasy Saving the World, One Mistake at a Time

    "That is correct, Hero. I am one of the elite assigned by the king to aid you." Rhiannon replied. She tried to held back her giggle as she recalled that Grandmaster Euzir should be the one who was sent here but she replaced his name with her. Well, not that he would mind much. She was sure the...
  19. Spoiled Bread

    Fantasy Saving the World, One Mistake at a Time

    It's all lined up. Her father once said that her affinity towards magic was immense. Something that only emerged once every few decades. She believed him. She studied so hard some of her hair turned white and she's forced to color half her hair and disguised it as fashion. She studied so hard...
  20. Spoiled Bread

    Fantasy Fantasy Encounter

    The breakfast wasn't much, but the warm cheerful atmosphere inside the orphanage was more than enough to make it up. Tenma also gave the pair a lunchbox. "In case the hunt going for too long." He said. "Come on, Lira. Boring or not, I'm ready!" Kanon picked up her briefcase and walked...