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  1. Seeker95

    Kingdoms At War (Kwillz and Seeker95)

    Leviathon nodded. "I expect to start hiking at sunrise. I don't think keeping watch will be necessary, seems to me we're pretty alone. If you should feel safer though, I'll be happy to take the first shift." He wished he could make the fire bigger, warmer. Would they have to blow it out when...
  2. Seeker95

    Kingdoms At War (Kwillz and Seeker95)

    Leviathon decided he would hate the day when he and Ari had to be enemies again. The thought of peace between them, as this almost paralleled the possible peace between their kingdoms, was too sweet. Leviathon shrugged at her thanks. He wasn't really sure how to act in the situation. "I didn't...
  3. Seeker95

    Kingdoms At War (Kwillz and Seeker95)

    Once Leviathon had a belly full of fish, he allowed himself to lean back against a tree and gaze at the stars. The meal was good, and the fire provided all the warmth they needed. But a silence still settled between the two. To Leviathon's surprise, the silence wasn't necessarily uncomfortable...
  4. Seeker95

    Kingdoms At War (Kwillz and Seeker95)

    Leviathon watched the girl carefully, following her lead, and by the time the two were done digging, the sun was beginning to set again. Just 24 hours ago, he was wondering if he would live long enough to see another day. How amazing it was that he would, and with his enemy too. The girl...
  5. Seeker95

    Kingdoms At War (Kwillz and Seeker95)

    Leviathon tried his very best not to feel sorry for the girl, but he understood that the soldier could have been one of his own, and he would have been just as devastated. For two minutes, he decided to put aside their differences. For now, neither one of them had an army or kingdom behind them...
  6. Seeker95

    Kingdoms At War (Kwillz and Seeker95)

    Well isn't she friendly, Leviathon thought, so long as you're not trying to kill her. He shook his head. "We won't make it back by tonight," he avoided her eyes and kept walking down the stream. He wanted to find his sword as he was uneasy not having his while she had hers. She had already...
  7. Seeker95

    Kingdoms At War (Kwillz and Seeker95)

    Leviathon suspected that the girl was sensing his weakness. If he wasn't going to do it now, then he was never going to do it no matter how much he wanted to. Plus, the battle raged on, even without their presence. Even if he killed Zeyolun's leader, the people would still fight. He was sure...
  8. Seeker95

    Kingdoms At War (Kwillz and Seeker95)

    Leviathon had stood over the girl for what seemed like an eternity, willing his hand to move. She was weak and in no condition to fight. Even if she tried, he was sure he could overpower her easily. The answer was so simple. Just kill her. Yet he couldn't commit the crime. His insides were torn...
  9. Seeker95

    Kingdoms At War (Kwillz and Seeker95)

    The sun was so warm, the river so gentle. Aside from the occasional croaks and chirps, all was silent and at peace. To this, Leviathon woke with a gasping breaths. The battle, he began to wonder as he ran his hands across his arms, legs, body. I'm still alive... ? He marveled. Perhaps this is an...
  10. Seeker95

    Kingdoms At War (Kwillz and Seeker95)

    From every direction, all Leviathon could hear were the cries of his men as blood spurted from their wounds. They would stumble but not fall even as they gasped for breaths against the pain and exertion. Leviathon was proud. In his heart, he understood that this may be his last battle, that his...
  11. Seeker95

    Kingdoms At War (Kwillz and Seeker95)

    With one last strike, Leviathon winced when the bark cut into his palms as his hand hit the trunk of the great oak. Panting, he collapsed onto his back into the soft grass and let the sun warm him. He had been training alone since before dawn, but with the light filtering through the mountains...