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  1. Scoutmaster NightMan

    Angel Wings

    Puriel followed the human girl, making no attempt to talk to or help her. Yes, the polite thing to do would be to offer to help her, even better he could have healed her in a second. However, no, he wasn't going to do that. He felt very little, if any, sympathy for this girl. It wasn't his fault...
  2. Scoutmaster NightMan

    Amybri18 x Nightman

    Rose pulled a stake out of her jacket and threw it at the retreating bat. It definitely didn't hit her, but it might have grazed her a bit; if Violet was injured she would be a little easier to find later. Right now Rose would let her go, her sister wasn't top priority at the moment and there...
  3. Scoutmaster NightMan

    Amybri18 x Nightman

    "You know I can't do that, Violet." She said, shaking her head and walking closer to her sister. It was obvious that the other was scared so much she could hardly speak, which did cause Rose to waver a little, but not visibly. "I can make it quick though." She told her sister, which was the most...
  4. Scoutmaster NightMan

    Angel Wings

    "I'm...Paul." He said, giving a fake name was just a precaution, same reason he didn't want to show people his wings. Not many people had a name like his so it would just draw attention to himself. "And I supposed I'll take you up on that offer." He was wearing pretty normal cloths, a white...
  5. Scoutmaster NightMan

    Angel Wings

    Puriel raised an eyebrow and gave her a skeptical look. He did just fall from the sky, but he wasn't going to tell her that, at least not yet. Realistically he probably never would because he was going to find a way off of this god damn rock before that was even a possibility. "Let me get this...
  6. Scoutmaster NightMan

    Amybri18 x Nightman

    There was a sound from somewhere to her right which caused Rose to glance over her shoulder. She moved from her position and started to get closer to the vampire, it was a girl who looked kind of familiar, but she couldn't see her face too well yet. In another second though she saw clearly who...
  7. Scoutmaster NightMan

    Angel Wings

    It only took a few seconds for the source of the voice to appear. It was a blonde girl, who seemed to be injured, this notion was further confirmed when she tripped and fell into Puriel. He caught he without a problem, though he wasn't trilled about it, he wasn't a big fan of humans and he...
  8. Scoutmaster NightMan

    Angel Wings

    (thanks, that's perfect.) The man opened his eyes, hearing a voice somewhere in the distance. He did not, however, attempt to move or find the voice, he chose to stay where he was. He stared up at the sky, and to the place beyond that where he had come from. Puriel knew what had happened, he...
  9. Scoutmaster NightMan

    Amybri18 x Nightman

    The moon was high in the sky as Rose patrolled one of the many cemeteries in town. For whatever reason Vampires really liked hanging out in them, though she thought it was super cliche and predictable. Not that she was upset about it, it actually made her job infinity easier. She had been in...
  10. Scoutmaster NightMan

    Angel Wings

    (yeah, that's really short. Do you think you could at least have her see Puriel falling out of the sky? Or something like that, it would just give me a little more to work with. And the times I'm on are not really set. It's pretty much whenever I'm not out doing things. I live in Tokyo and I'm a...
  11. Scoutmaster NightMan

    Angel Wings

    The sun was at the horizon when it happened, the event that triggered all that was to come. From somewhere in the clouds a shape started falling, at first looking like a formless blob and then taking the shape on a man. This falling man had not been from an airplane or a helicopter, in fact he...
  12. Scoutmaster NightMan

    Angel Wings

    Rock n' Roll! I'll get my character up asap
  13. Scoutmaster NightMan

    Amybri18 x Nightman

    Alright, so lets get this thing rolling. We can discuss plot and other stuff in the OOC chat
  14. Scoutmaster NightMan

    Ashman74 and NightMan

    So, are we done with this then? If you don't want to rp anymore I'm totally fine with that, I get it. I just didn't want to leave off awkward or anything.
  15. Scoutmaster NightMan

    Ashman74 and NightMan

    "Have you been traveling alone for long?" She asked, trying to make some light conversation. Just something to occupy the time while they traveled, it was going to take a while for them to reach the nearest town. Or rather, for them to reach what was left of it.
  16. Scoutmaster NightMan

    Don't Fear the Reaper (NightMan & JustSmile)

    Alright, alright, alright. Let's do this. (we can work out all the detail and stuff in the ooc chat.)
  17. Scoutmaster NightMan

    Ashman74 and NightMan

    She started to walk back in the direction she had come from. "Oh, I'm Eleanore." she introduced herself, might as well if they would be traveling together. "A lot of people call me... or they used to call me Ele." She was going to keep talking but it seemed like she was rambling now and she...
  18. Scoutmaster NightMan

    Ashman74 and NightMan

    Eleanore raised her eyebrows and nodded slowly, "Okay, good to know, I will not do that." She said, not sure if he was being serious or just joking. But she decided not to find out. She walked back to the tree where she had been sitting and grabbed her stuff. It wasn't much, just a medium sized...
  19. Scoutmaster NightMan

    Ashman74 and NightMan

    Eleanore nodded, "Well, maybe it's worth a shot." She said, making a split second decision. Maybe there was no hope but was was the point of sitting around and waiting to die. "Mind if I come with you?" She asked, "If we're all going to die anyway, I suppose it better not to die alone."
  20. Scoutmaster NightMan

    Ashman74 and NightMan

    She shook her head, "I was trying to figure out what's going on. But..." Eleanore shrugged. "I'm starting to think there isn't an explanation to all this." She looked down the road, the way she had come from, and then the other direction. "I suspect there isn't anywhere left to go. Is there a...