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  1. Nyte

    The World of No Return

    The sound of celebration echoed around the metal hall as a dozen or so individuals held their drinks in the air for a toast. Reporters were already covering their deed for the day and everyone was pleased that the police were still stumped. The oil had been from one of the large corrupt...
  2. Nyte

    The Demon King

    Loraina fought the entire time. She tried to pull her arms and legs away as he strapped her down to the table and she squirmed even as he began to chant hoping he had left one of the strap to loose and she could pull her hand free. When his chanting had reached its climax and his hand plunged...
  3. Nyte

    A Spell Gone Wrong

    (sorry I've taken so long to get back to this one.) As they walked Harmony couldn't help but shudder as the breeze cooled her skin. It wasn't that cold outside but Belinor made her extremely uneasy. Maybe she should have not been so brash in summoning a demon to punish those who teased her...
  4. Nyte

    The Demon King

    Each time she was transported to a new place she felt sick to her stomach, but that didn't prevent her from trying to pull her wrist free. Her feet slipped and slid across the stone floor as he continued to pull her into the room. He was so strong and had such an iron grip on her she knew...
  5. Nyte

    A Spell Gone Wrong

    ((Sorry I disappeared but I was in the hospital. Home now so everything is back to normal. I don't really understand who the two men are you mentioned at the end of your post.))
  6. Nyte

    The Demon King

    ((So sorry I disappeared!! I was in the hospital but now I'm home and good to go.)) "So die then!" She yelled after him and yanked on the steadfast bars. She groaned in frustration as she slapped the bars with the palm of her hand. She looked around for anything she could use to possibly...
  7. Nyte

    A Spell Gone Wrong

    Harmony frowned a bit when he wanted her to take him to them. She didn't want to see the consequences of her actions. Normally she was a very nice person but torment and teasing had brought out the worst in her. "Right.." She didn't like his cool and calm composure. It creeped her out far more...
  8. Nyte

    A Spell Gone Wrong

    "Oh.." She replied and shifted her weight uncomfortably. She felt uneasy with a demon being in such close proximity to her. "Well these are the other people." She fished around in her pocket for a moment before producing a list of seven names. Two of the names were already taken care of. "I...
  9. Nyte

    A Spell Gone Wrong

    "Hey! No!" She pointed towards the demon before her. "I said misfortune not drag them to Hell!" If he expected anything in return for these services she wanted to make sure that what she wanted was fulfilled. No way was this servant of Satan going to pulls fast one on her. "Bring them back and...
  10. Nyte

    A Spell Gone Wrong

    It had only just now dawned on Harmony that Belinor was flying. She starred in between the two men at him for a moment and when he spoke and drew their attention they jumped back from him in surprise. "Whoa, where the hell do you come from?" Mark demanded. "Uhh, yeah they were on the list."...
  11. Nyte

    A Spell Gone Wrong

    From the bushes emerged two men, both whom Harmony recognized. The tall one was Jason and the shorter stalky one was Mark. They both worked with Harmony at her job and were known to gang up on people for jokes. Also they were some of the main ones she had been trying to get cursed. "What's all...
  12. Nyte

    The Demon King

    Loraina pulled on the bars though they did not budge. "Ugh! Let me out of here you monster!" She yelled at him. Her initial fear had morphed into anger as she tried to fight for her own life. She had no idea what this man wanted and she didn't really want to find out. "Why are you doing this?!"
  13. Nyte

    A Spell Gone Wrong

    A pleased smile formed on her lips at his words. "Yes." She pushed her hair behind her ear. "Karma needs a little help getting to those people." She felt her initial shock fade away as it was replaced by a sense of victory. The sound of voices carried through the brush that surrounded the...
  14. Nyte

    A Spell Gone Wrong

    The sound of his laughter made her jump slightly but she tried to still herself the best she could. "Har.. Harmony. What's yours?" Her question had a slight demanding tone to it. "I'm not trading my soul. He'll just have to go without." She thought to herself with more confidence than she felt.
  15. Nyte

    A Spell Gone Wrong

    Red light and a person appearing before her had been last thing Harmony had actually expected to happen. She had thought that perhaps some ill fortune would befall those that she had cast the spell for but this man claimed to be a demon. At first she could do little more than stand before him...
  16. Nyte

    A Spell Gone Wrong

    All Hallows' Eve. It was the perfect time to inact a little revenge on some people. Those that had been cruel or disrespectful to Harmony throughout the year. Her white hair caused her to be a the end of a lot of jokes. They teased she was older than she appeared or that she was a witch's...
  17. Nyte

    The Demon King

    An expression of being perplexed mixed with a bit of anger worked its way over her features. "Nothing personal?" She repeated. She did not understand what just happened to her or how she came to be in a cave with a strange armored man but she didn't plan on staying. She glanced around and saw...
  18. Nyte

    The Demon King

    The mortar was on the main work table so it took no time to find it. As she picked it up she felt an odd tingling sensation wash over her body and then she felt as though she were falling for just a second. The sudden sensations caused her to stumble as she stepped back. Her vision blurred and...
  19. Nyte

    The Demon King

    It didn't take long to reach her house. As she approached she could hear her mother speaking from an open window in the kitchen. It seemed like she was scolding her father again for something he had forgotten to do. With a sigh she pushed open the front door and set her goods from her small...
  20. Nyte

    The Demon King

    After purchasing her bread loaves Loraina intended to return home. However, when passing back by the tavern she stopped and starred inside for a moment. She still had a bad feeling about the man from before but couldn't place why. He hadn't been rude or given any cause for alarm, but yet she...