Search results for query: *

  1. LoveMyHate

    Training First Timer...

    This ended a while ago, sorry.
  2. LoveMyHate

    Training First Timer...

    Name: Aoi Gender: Male Age: 16 Appearance: Personality: A rather bubbly character that is serious at times. Enjoys pick-pocketing random people on the street for fun. Sometimes he goes and transfers the cards to different wallets and put them back. Can be quite dark at times and...
  3. LoveMyHate

    Training First Timer...

    Do what you have to in order to survive. What happened to make you stoop this low? Where did it all go wrong? Welcome to the city of Winstrom, a place for the high life and excitement--if you are the right person. Unfortunately, you aren't. You are either unknown by anyone that matters...
  4. LoveMyHate

    Academy for the Uniques (PRIVATE)

    "Ryota" Sighing, I stood up and made my way to the front of the room. As I was looking around for a test sub- I mean something to demonstrate my powers on, the teacher mentioned to some plants. A bit saddened, I stalked over to the plants and grabbed one of them...
  5. LoveMyHate

    Academy for the Uniques (PRIVATE)

    "Let's see... Ryota, is it? Did you do that to his 'beautiful face'?" Psh of course. "Yea." Let me guess, the lazy teacher is going to punish me or whatever I don't really care either way, this class is so boring.
  6. LoveMyHate

    Academy for the Uniques (PRIVATE)

    Ryota stared. Is the same shark pillow I was talking to? Remembering the events, Ryota felt a small blush creep up his cheeks. A slight pout graced his lips as he turned and looked out the window once more, ignoring the lazy teacher.
  7. LoveMyHate

    Academy for the Uniques (PRIVATE)

    Ryota sat in his seat with an expressionless mask, but inside he was still quite happy about the guy's face. Reaching into his pocket, he took out his extra pair of gloves and put them on. Idiotic human......At least he helped me release some of my stress...... Suddenly Ryota realized that...
  8. LoveMyHate

    Academy for the Uniques (PRIVATE)

    I stared at wavering air in front of me, admiring their movements....Wait a moment, wavering air?! I looked down and saw the cause of it, my gloves were on fire. Quickly putting them out, I look around to find the culprit. A dude sitting a couple seats down was snicking into his hands...
  9. LoveMyHate

    Academy for the Uniques (PRIVATE)

    Ryota stared at the young man who smiled at him. He looked kinda of familiar but Ryota couldn't place him. Where have I seen him before....... Deciding it wasn't important, Ryota turned back to the window. An annoying large fly hovered by "Buzzz.....Buzzz....." Ryota stared at it, getting...
  10. LoveMyHate

    Academy for the Uniques (PRIVATE)

    Finally finding my classroom, I composed myself before entering. Upon entering, there was almost no one there which I was grateful for, I took a seat near the back by a window. Looking out the window, I just wished for class to start already.....
  11. LoveMyHate

    Academy for the Uniques (PRIVATE)

    Ryota stared at the leaving pillow. ....What to do now..... He took out his map again and attempted to figure out where he was.... Yep I am totally lost. Great. Just walk around in circles till you find something I guess.....
  12. LoveMyHate

    Academy for the Uniques (PRIVATE)

    Ryota grabbed the pillow and made it stop hitting him. "Alright alright, jeez all you had to say was no...." "Sorry for interrupting your sleep or whatever....." You're pillow do you even NEED sleep?..... Ryota looked at his watch, it was almost time for afternoon classes to begin.....He...
  13. LoveMyHate

    Academy for the Uniques (PRIVATE)

    ......So it IS pillows can be alive....... I bent down to it's height, and looked it in it's eyes. "Will you be my pillow?" I asked with a serious look on my face. "I'm rooming alone so it's nice and peaceful, and I'll buy you snacks or fish or whatever it is that...
  14. LoveMyHate

    Academy for the Uniques (PRIVATE)

    "Ahem..If you don't want people to get close to you then would you please get your hands off me? Permanently?" Suddenly I was slapped across the face with.....a shark tail...... Oh course it didn't hurt but my head still swung to the side. ....Did I just get hit by a shark tail.......The...
  15. LoveMyHate

    Academy for the Uniques (PRIVATE)

    "What is your ability anyway? Something to do with bruises?" ".....You can say that....." Ryota got off the bed and walked towards the other guy. He stopped a foot away from the male and raised his hand. "Or you can say that I have the power to kill anyone I wish......" Ryota stopped his...
  16. LoveMyHate

    Academy for the Uniques (PRIVATE)

    "Oh, you're awake. Tell me, do you always faint when you get hit by a book?" I? I have no idea........ "Tell me, do you always get a bruise from carrying someone?" I hope it's not my fault....... Ryota frowned slightly. "Does it hurt a lot?"
  17. LoveMyHate

    Academy for the Uniques (PRIVATE)

    Opening his eyes, Ryota yawned and sat up. Where the bloody hell am I....oh right...I got hit by a extremely thick book......stupid book... Did I faint or something?.....probably.....wait wasn't I talking to someone?! Ryota looked around the room, spotting the guy he was talking to...
  18. LoveMyHate

    Academy for the Uniques (PRIVATE)

    Ryota looked at the guy, his vision going hazy. The guy appeared to be speaking but all Ryota heard was fuzzy noises. He begun to sway a bit, vision going in and out of focus again. "I'm fi-" Ryota was cut off as he suddenly fell and hit the floor, black spots completely covering his sight...
  19. LoveMyHate

    Academy for the Uniques (PRIVATE)

    The man nodded, almost looking like he was saying 'Why not'. He took the book from me and begun to ramble about the book. I zone him out, waiting for the black spots in my vision to disappear. Feeling that what I'm doing is quite rude, I zone in just in time to hear say: "I haven't seen you...
  20. LoveMyHate

    Academy for the Uniques (PRIVATE)

    "Just got hit by a stupid book that's all.....Hey, since you're taller, want to put this book back on the shelf?" *holds out the thick book*