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  1. Irfeune

    Two Of A Kind

    Kodachi's shuddering eased, his breathing calmed, and he soon lost consciousness again.
  2. Irfeune

    Two Of A Kind

    Kodachi regained consciousness right as the antiseptic was being applied & started flailing around due to the pain already in his shoulder combined with the fact that antiseptics sting like a bitch.
  3. Irfeune

    Two Of A Kind

    Kodachi lay on the ground, bleeding heavily from his shoulder, which is only attached by the joint & a few tendons. He is completely unconscious but coughing up blood.
  4. Irfeune

    Two Of A Kind

    Kodicha continued walking through the forest. Suddenly, a loud "squawk" ringed out of nowhere & a jet black falcon lunged down at him, slicing his left shoulder with razor-blade talons, nearly tearing it off. Kodicha doubled over in pain, loudly railing off curses that attracted more of the falcons.
  5. Irfeune

    Two Of A Kind

    Kodachi grabbed the arrow from the bow & snapped it, muttering "You can take a shot but if you do, I will rip your arm off with my sword", then slowly walked away.
  6. Irfeune

    Two Of A Kind

    Kodachi suddenly swung with his left arm, causing the blade of Nora's knife to inexplicably fall apart. In Kodachi's left hand, there was a cobalt blue sword, the blade engraved with a pentagram & text that reads "王様 の剣"
  7. Irfeune

    Two Of A Kind

    Kodachi suddenly stopped. His gaze turned harsh & icy. He started staggering, blood running from his face. Muttering in a low, demon-like voice. "You shouldn't have done that..."
  8. Irfeune

    Two Of A Kind

    Kodachi backed up further, shouting "Well all I can see right now is that damn arrow in my face, you dumb bi-" instantly stopping, realizing that he will most likely die just by finishing that sentence.
  9. Irfeune

    Two Of A Kind

    Kodachi backed up crying out "I was just walking through the forest!! It's not like I committed a crime! The hell is wrong with you?!"
  10. Irfeune

    Two Of A Kind

    Kodachi suddenly froze. He stuttered before slowly answering "K-Kodachi..." and backing away out of complete fear (Forgot to mention but Kodachi's personality is that he tries to be a complete badass but goes completely wimpy when anyone shoots something at him.)
  11. Irfeune

    Two Of A Kind

    (Okay. Now can we continue please?)
  12. Irfeune

    Two Of A Kind

    (I didn't make the first post from my character's point of view as I was unsure how to introduce them with the second post. Dun judge me.)
  13. Irfeune

    Two Of A Kind

    Suddenly, there was a sharp loud racket. Nora looked over & saw a man clad in blue in the distance, walking through the forest, shouting incomprehensible things. (Yey, my first RP dialogue. I hope I did good despite it being short.)
  14. Irfeune

    Two Of A Kind

    [NAME] ??? (Kodachi) [AGE] Ages very slowly. Has lived for a long time but can't remember his own damn age. [APPERANCE] <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/date007.jpg.8a832b252c867ca278e5cb177ebe4475.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img...