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  1. Guile

    Music of the Night: The Phantom of the Opera Returns (Guile & Melody)

    Guilt washed over Erik in waves of pure shame. To act as though Christine would mean almost nothing to the children later in life! How awful of him! And how so utterly untrue! He immediately took to apologizing wholeheartedly. "Please, Christine, do not apologize to me. I am wretched. How could...
  2. Guile

    The Phantom of the Opera: A Beauty and a Beast (Guile and Melody)

    As Erik watched the curtains rise from the wings of the stage, he found that his heart had taken to racing abnormally. He wasn't sure at first whether it was because he feared she would not sing, because he was anxious to hear her, or because she looked so incredibly stunning. He imagined that...
  3. Guile

    Music of the Night: The Phantom of the Opera Returns (Guile & Melody)

    Erik was downtrodden by this talk of heartbreak, in relevance to their daughter. Oh, how dreadful it was to speak of such sad things that were more than possible in the not-so-distant future. Still, being pulled out of this sadness by Christine's laughter was both a relief and an insult to Erik...
  4. Guile

    The Phantom of the Opera: A Beauty and a Beast (Guile and Melody)

    She hadn't intended to hurt him, but she had. Oh, yes. Erik felt the sting of her words deep in his heart, causing him to remove his hands from her and force them to stay at his side. He was grateful for the light touch to his cheek and her kind words, though he said no more to her - nor did he...
  5. Guile

    Music of the Night: The Phantom of the Opera Returns (Guile & Melody)

    Erik smiled into his beloved's kiss, but that same smile slowly faded into something resembling apprehension just at the thought of the children becoming teenagers. His little Lilly...bringing a boy home? Oh, he didn't even want to think of anyone breaking her beautiful heart. Ridiculously...
  6. Guile

    The Phantom of the Opera: A Beauty and a Beast (Guile and Melody)

    Erik was aware of how tense Christine was at first, but was oh so thankful when she relaxed under his touch. However, the sheepishness in her tone was quite absurd to him. "You needn't fret, Christine. We both know what you are capable of. Your voice is beautiful - like that of an angel's, you...
  7. Guile

    Music of the Night: The Phantom of the Opera Returns (Guile & Melody)

    Erik found himself laughing softly as he watched the little child make such strange movement. He had slowly grown accustomed to seeing this, and assumed all infants must do the same - seeing as William did so as well. However, it had been odd to Erik at first. He had never been around an infant...
  8. Guile

    The Phantom of the Opera: A Beauty and a Beast (Guile and Melody)

    "Forgive me, but this husband of yours is far from deserving your kindness." The last thing Erik had wanted to do was upset her, especially tonight of all nights. Still, the Vicomte had been a less than admirable partner to Christine. That man did not deserve to have her defend him from cruel...
  9. Guile

    Music of the Night: The Phantom of the Opera Returns (Guile & Melody)

    Erik grinned at her as she came face to face with him. He would be more than happy to oblige. "Of course, love." That's when he, too, heard Jonathan's giggling and sighed. Still, it was a loving sigh, not an impatient one. He would be delighted to share long as Christine would...
  10. Guile

    The Phantom of the Opera: A Beauty and a Beast (Guile and Melody)

    Erik had left the pub only to ready himself for Christine's performance. Despite the unpleasantness that had occurred with the Vicomte, he found himself smiling at the thought of how lovely she would be tonight. Erik couldn't help feeling a bit giddy as he headed off towards her dressing room...
  11. Guile

    Music of the Night: The Phantom of the Opera Returns (Guile & Melody)

    Smiling to himself, Erik couldn't help but feel a small sense of accomplishment, even in his defeat. After all, he had gotten Christine to agree to sleeping, and now he would be able to do so beside her, instead of on this chair. Perhaps one must learn to lose, in order to win after all. "I...
  12. Guile

    The Phantom of the Opera: A Beauty and a Beast (Guile and Melody)

    Yes. Now was the chance! Erik had the Vicomte de Chagney just where he wanted him. This man was now at his mercy - he had no other choice than to agree to his terms, so he laid them. "She walks, you leave together - pockets full, debts paid." Erik was an honest man. Even the Phantom was an...
  13. Guile

    Music of the Night: The Phantom of the Opera Returns (Guile & Melody)

    Erik smirked up at her, despite feeling rather defeated. He decided, upon being met with those lovely, shimmering eyes of hers, that he didn't mind loosing to her so much. If winning caused her to practically glow as she did now, then Erik would happily loose many more times just to see this...
  14. Guile

    The Phantom of the Opera: A Beauty and a Beast (Guile and Melody)

    Erik smirked as a new-found confidence rose throughout his body. He realized he now had the upper hand. Whether or not the Vicomte though he was lying, Erik had gotten into his head. Oh, yes. This would surely tear the man apart from the inside out. "Deal the cards, let them fall. Choose your...
  15. Guile

    Music of the Night: The Phantom of the Opera Returns (Guile & Melody)

    ((Thank you! I'm sorry I was away so long, but band camp is over now. Thank God!)) Erik's singing was soft, but as powerful as ever. Oh, no. He would not give up so easily. In fact, he would not give up at all. His beloved Christine was weakening and he knew it. He had almost won this battle...
  16. Guile

    The Phantom of the Opera: A Beauty and a Beast (Guile and Melody)

    Erik would do anything to ensure Christine's happiness, even if that meant keeping Gustav's true parentage a secret. However, there wouldn't be anything wrong with frightening the Vicomte a bit, would there? Erik would simply put the doubt in his mind and wipe that confident smirk off his face...
  17. Guile

    Music of the Night: The Phantom of the Opera Returns (Guile & Melody)

    Erik smirked when he saw her open the curtains and step out to walk around. He listened to her words, but he didn't believe her. He had heard that yawn of hers. Perhaps she could force herself to stay up, but she was tired. "You are lying to me, Christine." Teasing softly, Erik turned his head...
  18. Guile

    The Phantom of the Opera: A Beauty and a Beast (Guile and Melody)

    Erik was equally as disgusted to be in the Vicomte's presence. Though he may look handsome on the outside he was hideous within. To speak of winning Christine as if she were some kind of prize! Disgusting! Not to mention, he never won her over. Erik had let her go and she went, more than...
  19. Guile

    Music of the Night: The Phantom of the Opera Returns (Guile & Melody)

    A soft chuckle arose from Erik's throat as he listened to her words. "Oh, it's late enough, Christine." He smiled, satisfied when he heard her yawning behind those curtains. Then he whispered to her, a bit teasingly. "Why, of course I will win. I always do, my love." Erik's voice was so sweet...
  20. Guile

    The Phantom of the Opera: A Beauty and a Beast (Guile and Melody)

    Erik shook the Vicomte's hand, but felt disgusted in doing so. Even still, he would play nice for now. He was just happy that this was going as planned. "Our old's been changed. Every throw risker. All the rules, rearranged. Fate has redesigned most." Ah, yes. Much had changed since...