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  1. Daeya

    Blindfolded- Circus and Daeya [ Adaptation Two ]

    "Not going to work, stranger. Trust me, I've tried every trick in the book. When they give me food- I try to run after them. When they check on me, I try to grab their attention. Nothing. Save your breath, and your energy. " Ara said, barely lifting an eyebrow as the bedraggled man made a...
  2. Daeya

    Blindfolded- Circus and Daeya [ Adaptation Two ]

    Day 34 These walls keep getting smaller and smaller- the angled dimensions less precise.. I can feel this cubic world imploding. This stone prison, where I see no life 24/7, has become my home until I'm a bag of bones slumped against the wall. Congratulations, Ara, you're hereby sentenced to...
  3. Daeya

    Blindfolded- Circus and Daeya [ Adaptation Two ]

    The background thread can be found here, please use this as a reference. This is a version that Circus and myself have created off of the base- the idea is not taken.
  4. Daeya

    Alice in Wonderland ( Daeya&NeonNyan ))

    Alice bore her eyes at him, an action that her mother had always shunned and deemed dis-ladylike. The girl sighed heavily, trying to rid her mind of the extra dose of adrenaline that had coursed through her veins due to being snatched from utter silence by a complete stranger. This stranger, it...
  5. Daeya

    Alice in Wonderland ( Daeya&NeonNyan ))

    Alice continued to walk onward- feeling lighter on her feet but the noise resonating throughout the silent forest nevertheless. The silence was broken, however, in the next few seconds as an upright broom with an invisable master sweeping up the stone road in front of her. She gaped, her eyes...
  6. Daeya

    Alice in Wonderland ( Daeya&NeonNyan ))

    Alice nodded back towards the rose- as well fearful of the approaching horses as the other flowers. The girl turned her back on them, casting a thankful nod back towards the maternal Rose, then receded back into the forest. Her shoes made a satisfying click against the stone as she walked...
  7. Daeya

    Alice in Wonderland ( Daeya&NeonNyan ))

    The young girl stood there, her face in a mask of confusion and interest- understanding and diataste; an intire melting pot of emotions. "A-Alice. It's a name, given to me by my parents. And England? It's a splendid country with tons of darling people, except they reject imaginative girls like...
  8. Daeya

    Alice in Wonderland ( Daeya&NeonNyan ))

    Alice walked a waze down the brightly colored path; her face aglow with wonder and curiosity. This was an imaginative girl's land, filled with bizarre looking flora and fauna and interesting sounds- each new object a treat for her senses. She inhaled the sharp air- only to be startled by a...
  9. Daeya

    Alice in Wonderland ( Daeya&NeonNyan ))

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/image.jpg.cfef1a3c0cc1ce48763df473173c3e65.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="27222" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/image.jpg.cfef1a3c0cc1ce48763df473173c3e65.jpg" class="ipsImage...
  10. Daeya

    You Found Me

    Alyson wiped her eyes, refusing to let liquid tears roll down her cheeks. She had almost been there, until that man had showed up. The urge to end it all had been wiped away as soon as she stepped back over, instead replaced by anger- a feeling that wasn't a stranger to her. The woman pulled her...
  11. Daeya

    You Found Me

    She straightened up again, turning her entire body back towards the man. She saw him glance a little off in the distance- a small throng of people had collected. Even a few had their phones out, taking discreet pictures. "No, no, no!" Alyson whispered, jumping quickly back to the other side of...
  12. Daeya

    You Found Me

    She shook her head, re-stating her previous posture. "Just another sick bastard- I don't help people. The last person I helped, ended up six feet under because of I. It's best you keep your distance from Alyson Night." The woman said, looking away from the needle scars littering his veins...
  13. Daeya

    You Found Me

    She could feel the decision weighing down on her, as she moved a leg forward- about to give her weight into the gravity. Suddenly, the man she had previously told to bug off grabbed her remaining arm, disrupting the pale skin with his rough grip. She grew lax, setting her back against the bars...
  14. Daeya

    You Found Me

    Yes cx
  15. Daeya

    You Found Me

    "Dammit. Go away, don't make a scene. Go. Away." Alyson yelled back in response, looking at him with her large brown eyes. The woman didn't hesitate, sighing deeply as she swung one leg over the bars- securing it on the small ledge overlooking the darkness below. The English woman sighed...
  16. Daeya

    You Found Me

    In New York City, nobody sleeps. Some people just lay in their beds, fighting consciousness with their thoughts. One of those people, would be Alyson Night. Despite being draped in a duvet like every night, she was chillingly cold. The woman had something on her mind, something no successful...
  17. Daeya

    You Found Me

    Of course I could start it, and I totally understand. If you need to vent, vent to me cx I have four older sisters that use me in every decision of their lives. I am diagnosed with dysthymia, so I could partly understand. Give me a bit and I'll get the starter going.
  18. Daeya

    You Found Me

    Alyson Night 26 Overall depressed, but whenever not crying or shut into a room, she is a nice person. Although, some anger issues. -slightly- Other: English accent, originally from London. Lost her best friend exactly a year ago.