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  1. Boombleeb


    Tony pondered on Lijuan’s answer for a moment, he assumed that the captain was the man who accompanied the Hapan the many times he saw her back at Pashmerga. He was also present in this room for a brief period and from what Tony could tell, he did not seem cruel. He sat up and lowered his knees...
  2. Boombleeb


    Immediately after being injected, his muscles relaxed and he let out a deep breath. He still disliked the alien’s prescence and her tendency to stab him with needles, but the latest mixture forced his body to relax and his mind to calm. As the blanket was laid over him, he lifted his knees at...
  3. Boombleeb


    Tony followed Lijuan’s movements with his head as she paced around the room, keeping a careful eye on her. He was now breathing heavily in and out his nose like an angered bull. “I don’t know where he came from. As for his other friends - he doesn’t really have any - they’re more like...
  4. Boombleeb


    Tony tugged at his chains and growled, keeping his eyes fixed on Lijuan. But as she injected him again, either by affect of the drugs or his own decision, he calmed down and lay back down. There was still a sign of anger in his eyes and he lay with his muscles tense. “I don’t know his real name...
  5. Boombleeb


    Tony slouched down and set his eyes to rest but quickly opened them back up when he realised that the Hapan was injecting another liquid into him. After the injection, he lay in the same position for a while, remaining motionless like something else was happening behind his eyes. He then...
  6. Boombleeb


    After the Hapan had gone out of his sight, he started blinking erratically for a moment. He shook his head to stop it and directed his attention to the captain. He first asked Tony if he was feeling better to which he simply shrugged. He then started stretching and twisting his neck as he...
  7. Boombleeb


    Tony continued to stare at the Hapan. Something about her made him click, like he remembered her from somewhere. She started scanning him, he found the scans uncomfortable. He couldn't feel them, but they seemed to react to him in some way. She then started tapping on him and asked if he could...
  8. Boombleeb


    Tony rolled his eyes at the Hapan when she said he was in heaven. Tony adjusted himself on the bed and examined the room. It was a small tiled room with no windows, presumably to stop patients from escaping. There were few machines hidden in the corners of the room and the door had no handle...
  9. Boombleeb


    Tony's body completely stopped when he shot himself, he fell over and dropped the Immobilizer. The next time he surfaced, he found his wrists chained to the bed he was in. He didn't have his suit on and he didn't have his weapons on him. He looked around, the light hurt his eyes for a while so...
  10. Boombleeb


    Tony watched the engineers struggle at the opening of the storage room. He saw one of them attempting to close the doors, he grabbed a couple of G-4 Cluster bombs and threw them over at the groups. Before the doors closed he saw the same Hapan again, the one that was at the bar. She was working...
  11. Boombleeb


    Tony took the Immobilizer off his back and threw it in a corner. He presumed that the D-8 Charge had alerted the ship that something was amiss at the storage room. Tony used his jetpack to leap up top the boxes and then fired at whatever was coming to get him. He then stopped firing when he...
  12. Boombleeb


    Tony was thrust onto one of the boxes as the frigate's thrusters were activated. The ship had taken off and he didn't have any time to get off before it headed into deep space. "Well, shit." said Tony while rubbing his head. "Screw it." He got back up and attached a D-8 Charge to the box with...
  13. Boombleeb


    Tony put aside his drink and lowered his mask. Tony hopped off his stool and payed for his drink, he turned to his friend and said, "You can finish that, if you want. I might not be back in a while." His friend smiled at him. Tony smiled back and left the bar, he saw the Hapan he saw in the...
  14. Boombleeb


    "Some of your strongest, please." Tony sipped his drink while staring at the table. Income has been slow today, he barely got any money this week. Tony looked over at the group breathing in the poisonous gas, the one with the Hapan. He looked away when another person sat at his table. He had...
  15. Boombleeb


    Tony floated across the station, carrying a body bag under his shoulder. He had his P-38 Pistol loaded in his other hand, mercenaries weren't treated very kindly around places like these. He needed someway to get money though, business was running out. Really the only jobs going around were as...