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  1. Azymondias

    Fandom From the Light not turn

    Dusk Runner stared at the books, so many shelves, he took a deep breath, well best way to start is one shelf at a time. He trotted over to a nearby shelf and started staring at the books. "Hey see if you can see a book with a sun, moon and eclipse on the spine, its an old foals-tale book about...
  2. Azymondias

    Fandom From the Light not turn

    "Friend." Dusk Runner said as he tried the word out. "Friend yeah!" He said with more conviction. "We can be friends, this is my first time out of Canterlot so it'd be good to have a friend!" He said a smile growing across his face as he held a hoof out. "Why don't you join me in the library I...
  3. Azymondias

    Fandom From the Light not turn

    "Finally!" Dusk Runner cheered as he raced forwards recognizing the telltale sign above the door a pile of books, a library! "Thank you for helping me is there any way I can repay you?" He asked looking up at the pegasai. He wanted to show he was thankful and saw her turn down gems and apples so...
  4. Azymondias

    Fandom From the Light not turn

    "Haven't learned one yet." Dusk Runner grumbled as he watched the Pegasi fly around in the air. He sighed knowing it would be a long morning as it seemed the pony had more enegery then she knew what to do with as she was zipping around and he could barely keep up as he was lost in thought. He...
  5. Azymondias

    Fandom From the Light not turn

    //Yeah they kept her old house as the ponyville library when she got her own castle figured for AU we can say its just the library // "Shhhhh." Dusk Runner said waving a hoof frantically. "I don't want everypony knowing I'm from Canterlot." He said looking around wildly making sure nopony...
  6. Azymondias

    Fandom From the Light not turn

    sorry i thought i replied to this!// Dusk grinned. "Would you? I can offer you a few gems..." He said wracking his brain trying to remember the currency of the places outside of Canterlot, Gems seemed to be the safest bet. "I tried the main part of town but I didn't see any signs for a...
  7. Azymondias

    Fandom From the Light not turn

    "Interesting." Dusk said after a few moments as he looked around. "So you said you were gunna help me find the library?" He asked trying to gently turn the conversation back to the original topic. He was curious as to why the two didnt live together but kept his muzzle shut as he figured it was...
  8. Azymondias

    Fandom From the Light not turn

    Dusk Runner staared at her hoof as if studying it, but only for a moment before shaking it in return a smile forming on his muzzle. "Dusk Runner." He introduced himself as he looked around before using his magic to put the apples away seeing the other ponies disinterest. "So, your from...
  9. Azymondias

    Fandom From the Light not turn

    Dusk Runner was not expecting to be tackled. He rolled stopping just before hitting the side of a building. "Hey!" He grumbled as he rubbed his muzzle with a hoof before getting back to his feet, anger fueling him. "Whats the big idea?" He asked turning around, looking for his attacker before he...
  10. Azymondias

    Fandom From the Light not turn

    Dusk Runner jumped off the train at the stop for Ponyville, looking around as he smiled politely at the ponies that greeted him. He wanted to go to the library but after living in Canterlot for the last 3 years his memories of Ponyville were vague, he tried asking a few ponies for help only to...
  11. Azymondias

    Fandom Pushing forward but (private for me and Anna) we don't forget the past

    "I'm..." Tony sighed and sat up. "At a point yes, but I'm not sure where they are; if they are alive. Vision doesn't even know." He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "The story says they were hidden; but the story, is just that. A story. We aren't sure of the truth."
  12. Azymondias

    Fandom Pushing forward but (private for me and Anna) we don't forget the past

    Tony sighed as he recalled the story he used to put Lukas to sleep. He nodded and started the all too familar story. "There came a day unlike any other when Earth's mightiest heroes were united against a common threat-- the soldier, the god, the knight, the spy, the giant, the king, the pixie...
  13. Azymondias

    Fandom Pushing forward but (private for me and Anna) we don't forget the past

    "Sure." Tony said nodding he leaned back in the chair his eyes studying Araya. "Ask away."
  14. Azymondias

    Fandom Pushing forward but (private for me and Anna) we don't forget the past

    Damn i swear i thought i replied to this skipping time a bit please let me know if i need to edit ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tony was working on something, staring at a screen his chin in his hand as he...
  15. Azymondias

    Fandom Pushing forward but (private for me and Anna) we don't forget the past

    "I bet you get your silver tongue from your uncle." Lukas said in a rare joky moment a smirk on his face. "Well lets get going then." He said with a shrug leading the way back up. //short sorry//
  16. Azymondias

    Fandom Pushing forward but (private for me and Anna) we don't forget the past

    "We're just two kids. Not sure if there are others out there; Tony's not exactly spilling the beans or anything." He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "You saw what they did, the sentries did, to an Asgardian and you want us" Lukas closed his eyes. "I want us too." He said after...
  17. Azymondias

    Fandom Pushing forward but (private for me and Anna) we don't forget the past

    Lukas gave her a sideways glance not speaking. He himself didn't believe in an afterlife, what evidence for one was there? He shook his head at the statue, crossing his arms. "Its hard, I lost them young, mom and dad." He said his voice taking on a colder tone to hide his emotions. "I want to...
  18. Azymondias

    Fandom Pushing forward but (private for me and Anna) we don't forget the past

    "Tony brought Vision down here once, I just snuck in behind them." He led her down a catwalk stopping at a dark section of of the lab. Pressing a button it revealed six statues, at the forefront was three all too familar figures. Ironman, Thor, and Captain America. Lukas walked over to the right...
  19. Azymondias

    Fandom Pushing forward but (private for me and Anna) we don't forget the past

    Sorry work was hectic yesterday. Lukas led her to the fountain area. Walking over to the pillar that marked Tony as an avenger; pressing on the symbol embedded on the pillar and motioned for them to go down the stairs. "Its safe; just Tony's lab." He explained.
  20. Azymondias

    Fandom Pushing forward but (private for me and Anna) we don't forget the past

    "Come on." Lukas said standing up. he put his hearing aides back in and walked to the door. "Theres something I want to show you." He was going to take her to the secret Lab. He wasn't sure if tony knew that Lukas knew the lab was there but he found it by pure accident one day during training.