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  • Users: AlwaysXeno
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  1. AlwaysXeno

    Fantasy A Kingdom's Gambit (AlwaysXeno and JyoMonty)

    "I'm glad you understand the direction in which the day will take!" Lady Aveyln grinned devilish, stepping to the foot of Winola's bed. "Alas, you can't get any more sleep. Extensive sleep is a luxury for those not at war, or those without any real responsibility. Since you lack any combat...
  2. AlwaysXeno

    Fantasy A Kingdom's Gambit (AlwaysXeno and JyoMonty)

    Aveyln's night and day routine was always the same. But, now there was something new in her life. Her routine had to be different. Winola was here. When Aveyln first woke up and that thought crossed her mind, initially she felt a sense of dread at the potential burden an inexperienced person...
  3. AlwaysXeno

    Fantasy A Kingdom's Gambit (AlwaysXeno and JyoMonty)

    Avelyn couldn't help but feel appreciative for the lengths Winola was going to not just comfort but understand Aveyln's situation. Especially for someone who has been thrust into an unfamiliar world and faces a literal war without any experience, the ability to do such a thing was fascinating...
  4. AlwaysXeno

    Fantasy A Kingdom's Gambit (AlwaysXeno and JyoMonty)

    Aveyln stifled a chuckle at Winola's surprisingly thoughtful response. That wasn't even the end of it, Aveyln could understand the pain of not knowing her parents. Realistically, Aveyln's father had gone missing months after her birth, whether that meant he was kidnapped, killed, or simply ran...
  5. AlwaysXeno

    Fantasy A Kingdom's Gambit (AlwaysXeno and JyoMonty)

    At Winola's question, Avelyn sighed, placing her fork down on the plate with an emphatic clatter. It was one thing for Winola to ask about the war and the circumstances around it, but asking about her current state was different than anything she ever heard. Aveyln never wanted pity or sympathy...
  6. AlwaysXeno

    Fantasy A Kingdom's Gambit (AlwaysXeno and JyoMonty)

    The entire discussion that unfolded could have easily made Aveyln spit out her wine or choke on her food. Every last detail uttered from Winola's mouth simply felt like complete nonsense. Yet, one look at her face just showed how genuine it was. She wasn't being sarcastic or a bit of a smartass...
  7. AlwaysXeno

    Fantasy A Kingdom's Gambit (AlwaysXeno and JyoMonty)

    Aveyln shook her head in hidden amusement at Winola's unprecedented reaction. The knight stopped at the door but Winola continued into the room, bursting to the table in unbridled speed. She sat at the table eagerly, whereas Aveyln dismissed the workers in the room and gently sat down across...
  8. AlwaysXeno

    Fantasy A Kingdom's Gambit (AlwaysXeno and JyoMonty)

    Aveyln let that discussion they just had go. It wasn't meant to be a reprimand or Aveyln tossing blame upon Winola, it was simply aiming to set a boundary. Regardless of the whimsical nature of Winola's presence, this was still a nation at war and Aveyln still had a job to do and a reputation to...
  9. AlwaysXeno

    Fantasy A Kingdom's Gambit (AlwaysXeno and JyoMonty)

    Aveyln could hear the girl rambling in the background, worsening the headache that was developing. To be fair, she was rather lucky that King Eres wasn't well-versed in Aurelian history nor was he that smart of a man. What he lacked in knowledge he made up for it in charisma, being one of the...
  10. AlwaysXeno

    Fantasy A Kingdom's Gambit (AlwaysXeno and JyoMonty)

    Lady Avelyn kept a stern face, even though behind the calm exterior, she felt as if she could throw up at any moment. She stepped aside, turning to face Winola as she interacted with the royalty. As she spoke, Avelyn had to stiffen what was going to be an expression of surprise. For all she...
  11. AlwaysXeno

    Fantasy A Kingdom's Gambit (AlwaysXeno and JyoMonty)

    There was a breakthrough. The tensions that had raised had died down as both women got their opinions off their chest. Winola sighed, choosing to sit on the ground. Aveyln started to pace back and forth, contemplating what to do. She signed, running a gloved hand through her silver hair. "Well...
  12. AlwaysXeno

    Fantasy A Kingdom's Gambit (AlwaysXeno and JyoMonty)

    "I was forced into this. Actually, I thought this was a terrible idea." Avelyn wouldn't rise to Winola's level. She was already shocked at the fact she let herself force an outburst in that manner. When Winola broke free from her grip, she didn't retaliate, only listening to the woman's...
  13. AlwaysXeno

    Fantasy A Kingdom's Gambit (AlwaysXeno and JyoMonty)

    "Winola..." Avelyn murmured to herself. Nothing rang a bell. She could name a few legends that she was told about growing up. Elfred, Minerva, Otonia, there was never a mention of a "Winola." This had to be a joke. Were the summoners traitors to Aurelia and attempting to lead the King astray...
  14. AlwaysXeno

    Fantasy A Kingdom's Gambit (AlwaysXeno and JyoMonty)

    Avelyn groaned, her heavy armor only making her fall more brutal. She took a deep breath before standing up after the woman she just dragged with her. Why would she do such a thing? Avelyn could tell this woman wasn't a warrior in the slightest. She did not know what Aurelia was nor did she even...
  15. AlwaysXeno

    Fantasy A Kingdom's Gambit (AlwaysXeno and JyoMonty)

    Secretly, Avelyn already understood that this woman wasn't some heralded warrior of a prior time. However, the fierceness displayed was unparalleled. No one had ever yelled at Avelyn in such a way in a very long time. She listened to the woman berate her, slowly wrapping her fingers around the...
  16. AlwaysXeno

    Fantasy A Kingdom's Gambit (AlwaysXeno and JyoMonty)

    The woman responded in confusion. Did she not know what Aurelia was? The Empire has kept its name the same for hundreds of years, there was no possible way a warrior of grandeur would forget. She continued her rant, before siting up and pausing. This time, she started a new tangent about...
  17. AlwaysXeno

    Fantasy A Kingdom's Gambit (AlwaysXeno and JyoMonty)

    The woman was obviously startled by Avelyn's appearance, slinking back in shock before falling from where she laid. Avelyn instinctively took a step back, watching the individual hit the ground, wincing in pain. Upon looking up at Avelyn, she immediately yelled at her, questioning who she was...
  18. AlwaysXeno

    Fantasy A Kingdom's Gambit (AlwaysXeno and JyoMonty)

    Avelyn marched into the portal with her eyes closed, her confident demeanor shaken slightly by the unknown possibility of what could be laying in wait for her on the other side. Anything could be at the end of this portal. Perhaps she'll come face to face with nothing, or a sword pointed at her...
  19. AlwaysXeno

    Fantasy A Kingdom's Gambit (AlwaysXeno and JyoMonty)

    "Lady Avelyn!" The voice of her king bellowed from inside his "war room," prompting the knight to turn from where she was standing guard and open the door. Usually, she was a present participant of the planning going on within these chambers, yet today King Eres and his princes prompted Avelyn...