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  1. GenericAlias

    Fandom Dragon Age: The Dawn Does Not Come Alone

    The cell floor was cold. The tall woman shifted in place, sending a clinking, clattering sound echoing through the chain that was bolted to the metal ring, hammered into the harsh stone floor. It was uneven and hard - as unkempt stone floors so often were - and cold. Almost icily cold. A cold...
  2. GenericAlias

    Fandom A Star Wars Story - The Sith out of Time

    Deep underneath Chandrila... the force stirs. That is hardly a surprise - the force has always been strong on that verdant world. Chandrila, after all, has always been a place of peace. Its people are haughty, yet kind. Headstrong, yet wise. It is a world of agrarian idyll, of temperate climes...
  3. GenericAlias

    Fandom The Jedi and Sith of Star Wars: The Old Republic - Satisfy that Craving Today!

    Right now I happen to have some extra time, and I realised something. I need more SWTOR and more SWTOR RPs in my life. And also just Star Wars more generally, but this time, specifically, I'm looking for SWTOR RPs. Because there is just something about the game, and the characters you can make...
  4. GenericAlias

    Fandom Sith and Jedi Dynamics? Scratch that Unlikely Friendship/Romance Itch today!

    Hello hello! I hope you're all doing well this fine morning/evening/afternoon/whenever you find this post! Just as it says on the title, I'm a major Star Wars fan, with a Sith OC, looking for an RP partner willing to play a Jedi! I've always been a fan of the dynamics that can result between...