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  1. Alienzooman

    [Court of the Veil] Twiggy, Awakend Fey-Touched Hedgehog Sorcerer

    Race: Awakened Fey Animal Hedgehog Half-Dragon Sorcerer (fey/sylvan bloodline) Sex: Male Alignment: Neutral Classing: Hedgehog Fey Sorcerer 8 Patron/Deity: Nature Appearance: I'm a very small creature. Dark silver quills cover my body, with a mottling of grey and brown mixed in. The...
  2. Alienzooman

    [Dracoheim: Tears of Hinnom] [Dracoheim: Tears of Hinnom] Shyto Treetail

    [tabs][tab=Identity] Name: Shyto Treetail Race: Vanaran C/L: Druid 2/ Monk 2 Alignment: Lawful Neutral Concept: A martial fighter using his wisdom and connection with nature to lead his people, and fight his enemies. Faith: Kesh and all Nature Languages: Common, Vanaran, Druidic
  3. Alienzooman


    Hello everyone. New to this forum. I signed up about a week ago, and am just now finding the time to post. I have been gaming for several years. Mostly D&D3.5 and pathfinder now. ALso enjoy the elder scrolls series. and most anything rpg.