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  1. Diamondahlia

    Fandom Lets do something Marvelous

    When it comes to canon, I'm most comfortable as Nightcrawler.
  2. Diamondahlia

    Fandom Beginner LF Fandoms

    I have too many characters I could pick between to list them. And, many are not concrete. If someone starts an RP with me, I will sort out my characters for it.
  3. Diamondahlia

    Other Unpopular Opinions

    Personally, I'd rather date women who have their hair intact, and I think body hair removal needs to become a dying trend for the psychological well-being of the human species.
  4. Diamondahlia

    Other What Purpose Do You Think You Have Right Now?

    I do not have a purpose. I am a living being, not a tool. I used to think like that, having a purpose. It gave me depression, and was a waste of my time. It isn't a healthy way to think. Don't subjugate yourself to others. Enjoy your life.
  5. Diamondahlia

    Fandom Beginner LF Fandoms

    X-men/Marvel Star Wars BLEACH Fushigi Yuugi Pirates Of The Caribbean Are any of these of interest? I'm over 18, so no romance between my characters and those of anyone under 18. I prefer to play OCs. If I have to play a canon, I could give Nightcrawler a go.
  6. Diamondahlia

    Other Why did you pick your name?

    I simply combined my favorite gemstone with my favorite flower.
  7. Diamondahlia

    Other Why did you choose your avatar?

    I wasn't sure what to use. So, I made a Sims 4 sim. *shrugs*
  8. Diamondahlia

    Literature Favorite Comics/Graphic Novels?

    I wasn't able to look at comics until this year. I've read some Nightcrawler comics. My favorite so far is Nightcrawler: Homecoming. I've found that I prefer Kindle comics to the paper ones, because the graphics look great.
  9. Diamondahlia

    Introduce Yourself!

    I have very little experience with roleplay, because, I guess I was shy when I first had opportunity. Since then, I've had a few attempts at RP that didn't go anywhere. I would greatly love scifi RP with starships. All I do besides write is study astrology, and exercise. I've been looking for...