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  1. Nellis

    Fantasy The Empire

    Cedric Jobbard II Amongst a host of travelers from the Aradian deserts strode a man of metal plate and mail, adorned with a yellow and green tabard. His sabatons treaded heavy upon the earthen trail, and with each step his coat of mail chimed against the steel plates. His armor showed signs of...
  2. Nellis

    Fantasy The Empire (CS)

    Name Cedrick Jobbard II Age Young Adult Profession Scholar Specialty While Jobbard can handle a sword with varying degrees of prowess, his true expertise manifests in his surprising knowledge of natural remedies and herbs, cultivated by his inclusions on the more dangerous expeditions...
  3. Nellis

    Fantasy A Far East Legendary Adventure of Fantasy and Whimsy

    Sounds intriguing, I'd be keen to join
  4. Nellis

    Futuristic Within Tormented Space (OOC)

    Aye, give me a wee bit, got a fair amount of other things to do today
  5. Nellis

    Futuristic Within Tormented Space (OOC)

    Alrighty, looking forwards too it
  6. Nellis

    Futuristic Within Tormented Space...(IC)

    Alejandras stood in partial awe as the large ship, the Schism, docked with the rather humble penitentiary vessel. When the captain of said ship emerged from its bowels, along with the autonomous crew, Alejandras was burdened with confusion and fascination. Most vessels Alejandras had seen of...
  7. Nellis

    Futuristic Within Tormented Space (OOC)

    Writing up something for Alejandras right now, I'll probably get it finished in the next half hour or so
  8. Nellis

    Futuristic Within Tormented Space...(IC)

    Alejandras' eyes scanned the room. He towered over all the accompanying inmates, most of them by a foot or so. Helped that he was at the rear of the line. Be it a blessing or a curse that this prison would be his last. Alejandras thought about his conundrum. On one hand, he'd no longer be...
  9. Nellis

    Futuristic Within Tormented Space (OOC)

    Ah geez, re-reading Alejandras' biography, I definitely have some room for improvement when it comes to writing, I'll get to that tomorrow
  10. Nellis

    Futuristic Within Tormented Space (OOC)

  11. Nellis

    Futuristic Within Tormented Space (OOC)

    Ah, must've read the backstory wrong
  12. Nellis

    Futuristic Within Tormented Space (OOC)

    A war criminal, a terrorist, a weapons smuggler, and a sociopathic serial killer so far
  13. Nellis

    Futuristic Within Tormented Space (OOC)

    Oh ho ho ho, am I excited for this, can't wait to see how all the characters interact.
  14. Nellis

    Futuristic Within Tormented Space (Character Thread)

    ──────────────────── Prisoner 3-769-292-X ──────────────────── Name Alejandras tel-Merkuntelli Previous Aliases Lurdon gar-Tanyargen Ralna pon-Kurgol Bolch rep-Nangunnen Age 52 sc Height 185.7 kg / 465 lbs Weight 230 cm / 7.5 ft Species Kyunderi Wahlru Species Description The Wahlru are a...
  15. Nellis

    Futuristic Within Tormented Space (Sci-Fi/Action/Supernatural)

    I'd be ready and raring for this
  16. Nellis

    Fantasy The Dragon's Throne:: RP

    Gælin laughed a loud, hearty chortle at Leon's remark. "Suppose you're not accustomed to modesty, my liege? I will say as a noble myself, it is quite the task to accomplish." Gælin's sabatons trod loudly among the brush, snapping twigs and kicking up small stones. His steel plate and mail...
  17. Nellis

    Fantasy The Dragon's Throne:: RP

    Gælin had rode upon the back of one of his horses, a mighty destrier, whose coat, mane, and tail was not unlike that of wrought iron in color. He carried with him what he'd usually bring on an excursion such as this in black leather saddlebags. He rode upon his horse in his full set of armor and...
  18. Nellis

    Fantasy The Dragon’s throne. (Rp page)

    Gælin studied for a moment, racking his mind for an answer to the question presented by Kana. "It would be unwise to split our numbers deep into the tunnels. However, if we were to say, have a smaller division of us go ahead of the rest, the smaller division may be able to lure out our...
  19. Nellis

    Fantasy The Dragon’s throne. (Rp page)

    Gælin had stood silent against a wall, quietly for a majority of his time. Besides, it was his job to protect the future heirs, not to ask questions. It wasn't a question if what lied ahead was dangerous, it was how dangerous was it, and could it's danger be mitigated. Occasionally, Gælin would...