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  1. Jalapeno24

    Futuristic Infinite Universe

    Ava half listened to what Elenor was saying, but got distracted by all the people joining the table. They looked completely inhuman, everyone Ava had encountered in this place so far were human or robot- but these people were like something she’d never seen before. She nudged Jorge, taking...
  2. Jalapeno24

    Futuristic Infinite Universe

    Ava rose a brow at the woman’s reply, smiling and leaning back. “You got any idea who I am? Not exactly the ‘helping kind’. That other kid in here though? Exactly what ya need.” She stood and turned from the booth, looking back at Jorge- who appeared to be talking to some robot- whatever...
  3. Jalapeno24

    Futuristic Infinite Universe

    Ava Rossa - Gratia, in the chill diner Ava’s smug smile quickly dropped as she heard this stranger say her name. Back at home this might’ve been normal- she was a notorious mob boss and many strangers knew who she was. But here? In this strange world? How did this woman know her name? She...
  4. Jalapeno24

    Futuristic Infinite Universe

    She shrugged at Jorge’s refusal of the cigarette, and rose an eyebrow at his mentioning of being some sort of detective- not the kind of people that Ava usually got on with. Before Jorge could finish his last question and turn to look at Ava, she had already began approaching the lonesome...
  5. Jalapeno24

    Futuristic Infinite Universe

    Ava- Gratia Ava was looking up at the diner, very confused at giant neon sign- why ruin the vintage style of the town with such an ugly sight? She thought. As she was about to push the door open, she realised someone was calling her. "Uh, excuse me! May I ask who you are? I'm Jorge Joestar."...
  6. Jalapeno24

    Futuristic Infinite Universe

    Ava - Gratia Her entire body was tense, for the first time in her life, she realised she might not be able to get out of this situation. She looked into Billie No Go’s eyes, feeling the cold steel of the knife held against her throat- this is it, this is when I die- she thought. But then...
  7. Jalapeno24

    Futuristic Infinite Universe RP Signups

    Ava Rossa Appearance: Always sporting a pinstripe suit and her token red gloves, an outfit straight from the 20s. Ava binned pretty dresses from the get go, and took on the identity of a “man”- defying the restrictive codes her society forced on her, and starting a movement. Constantly with a...
  8. Jalapeno24

    Realistic or Modern "I am Legend" Characters

    Name: Never tells anyone her full name, and ops to go by 'Vex' Age: 20 Appearance(Picture or Description, doesn't matter): Skillset: Generally works with melee items, has her favourite baseball bat, painted red and full of nails she's hammered into it. Uses guns sometimes, but prefers bigger...
  9. Jalapeno24

    Realistic or Modern "I am Legend" Based Rp

    I'm interested for sure!
  10. Jalapeno24

    Introduce Yourself!

    Yo yo! I'm Jalapeño. I roleplayed loads yearrsss ago, we're talking like 8 years. But I've been thinking recently about how much I enjoyed it, it'd be the main thing I'd devote my time into and what I looked forward to most- so I wanna get back into it! I'm open to anything really, and like the...