Search results for query: *

  1. gloriannia

    Word Associations

  2. gloriannia

    How would you kill the avatar above you?

    So you have chosen death
  3. gloriannia

    Word Associations

  4. gloriannia

    Word Associations

  5. gloriannia

    How High Can We Count Without A MOD?

  6. gloriannia

    How High Can We Count Without A MOD?

  7. gloriannia

    How would you kill the avatar above you?

    Become supreme leader of any country, take over the world, burn all books. (looking at you, every totalitarian regime ever)
  8. gloriannia

    The avatar above you got arrested. Why?

    Ideological deviance
  9. gloriannia

    Rate The Username Above You

    7/10. While you can say it relatively easily and it has some meaning, it doesn't have that much personal identity attached to it. Like the title tho.
  10. gloriannia

    The Person Above Rolled a 1

    Your forces are single-handedly destroyed by a teenaged chosen one and you spend the rest of your miserable existence lamenting the day you decided to kill off the parents of magically talented children for lulz. I try to not procrastinate, but I roll a 1.
  11. gloriannia

    Out Of You And The Avatar Above Who Do You Think Would Win In A Fight

    Sorry, giant robot-alien trumps books :P
  12. gloriannia

    Word Associations

    Medieval Europe
  13. gloriannia

    Looking for Extremely Lonely

    Hi, if you still want to chat, my DMs are always open :) I enjoy creative writing, singing, worldbuilding, debating and single player video games. (I will fight you on the spiders though. KILL IT WITH FIRE. or, y'know, put it in a cup then throw it outside. I'm not cruel. )
  14. gloriannia

    How High Can We Count Without A MOD?

  15. gloriannia

    How High Can We Count Without A MOD?

  16. gloriannia

    Introduce Yourself!

    Heya, I'm CaptainKozuki. I decided to get back into forum roleplay recently.