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  1. Vitarri

    Other My Little Corner in RPN - Journal, Chatter, and Plotting
    Index: Personal — Grief (Response)

    August is a difficult month for me as well. For similar reasons it seems. I have spent most of my adult life disappointing my parents and being an indirect financial burden to them. There would be times I would dread to see their name on my caller ID. I would try to keep up with all my...
  2. Vitarri

    Other RP Ghosting Rant

    There are multiple reasons why people ghost. But coming from someone who once lacked the confidence to approach others with bad news, might I offer that the reaction they might receive might make them less likely to be honest? You have to understand the fleeting anonymous nature of the...
  3. Vitarri

    Futuristic The Free Sands of the Desierto Desert Need YOU!

    The Twenty-Five diamond oases of the Free Sands are under attack from the Yukonian Empire finally tired of letting us have our freedom from their tyrannical rule. Its up to us to rise up and to battle these mountain dogs and defend the rights and liberties we all hold dear. Your tech that allows...
  4. Vitarri

    Futuristic The Free Sands of the Desierto Desert need you!

    The Twenty-Five diamond oases of the Free Sands are under attack from the Yukonian Empire finally tired of letting us have our freedom from their tyrannical rule. Its up to us to rise up and to battle these mountain dogs and defend the rights and liberties we all hold dear. Your tech that allows...
  5. Vitarri

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hello there fellow adventurers! Have you ever felt the cool breeze in your hair? Or the rush of excitement as you sang a song with your compatriots as you march across the battlefield? Me neither, well I used to feel the breeze in my hair but an unfortunate encounter with male pattern balding...