Search results for query: *

  1. A_nonny_mouse

    Fandom Oh, the horror! Oh, the cliche! Oh, the...guilty pleasure ^-^;;

    Bleh, I hate writing these things. Well guys, I've cracked and decided to expose everyone to my guilty pleasure in rping: Modern OC falls into their fandom. I know, it's been done. Very done. Done to death. But I can't be the only one around here who still likes it, right? Uh...right? <.<...
  2. A_nonny_mouse

    Answered Spam filter

    Hey, I have a quick question. A few times now I've PMed someone or attempted to send a character sheet and it wouldn't let me post it because the filter caught me. Looking through a few other messages on here it seems that this problem will go away after I make ten posts? Is there still an...
  3. A_nonny_mouse

    Multiple Settings Looking for 1 or 2 people to roleplay with

    Hello to everyone! I will say up front that: - Er...I've noticed this is probably going to end up being long! I hope this doesn't come off as too pompous or exacting ^-^;; I swear I'm more chill than this makes me appear. I just prefer partners to know what I'm about before starting. - I'm...
  4. A_nonny_mouse

    A mouse wanders into the forum

    Hello everyone! I am a mouse, I am about eight cm tall and weigh around nineteen grams. I enjoy pretty much any food I can get my paws on, love twigs for building my nest and- Well ok, no, I'm not a mouse. Hi, I'm a human woman with an odd sense of humour and have been roleplaying on and off...