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  1. Dogerre

    Digital Twisty boi

  2. Dragonair


    long boi in prezel shape
  3. Dogerre

    Digital Kayos Arts

    I used a random generator for ideas on what to draw with my friend, I got Software, Chop, and Deep sea. And then I drew a monster version of the character
  4. Dogerre

    Digital Haven't decided on a name yet.

    please help meh decide Rein Aria Carenth or Walsh? Any other names would be good too
  5. Dogerre

    Fantasy -Can go any way that you want-

    You are walking around, just exploring a new coffee shop towards the edge of the city when you reach a neighborhood area. Though there was no gate, It was completely abandoned, no one inside. No homeless people, no gangs, no strays, nobody, even the cars did a U-turn as though it was a dead end...
  6. Dogerre

    Intro of Dogeree

    Hello, I like roleplaying many kinds of creatures, but in a way that the roleplayer pretty much only knows what their characters know. Any place, anytime ANYWHERE! And if your indecisive, I can choose.