Search results for query: *

  1. Krominel

    Fantasy Rosarth Academy of Magics

    *This is a 1x1 RP between Krominel and Tiff the Odd* Wade lay draped across an armchair with a frozen water bottle pressed against his forehead. The summer heat was boiling and it seemed as though it could not be subdued. The air conditioner in their apartment hadn’t worked since the...
  2. Krominel

    Fantasy Flesh Wagon, no bones, just flesh.

    PM me your idea, I'd love to hear about it. :)
  3. Krominel

    Fantasy Flesh Wagon, no bones, just flesh.

    Do you mind if I PM you so we can talk more about it? I'm intrigued.
  4. Krominel

    Fantasy Flesh Wagon, no bones, just flesh.

    The wagon pulls up and stops at the curb. You bend over to take a closer look at the fleshy options. You recoil at the revolting site, it's not good flesh at all, it's just foot upon foot of intestines coiled up like a slimy rope. You shrug, at least you can make sausages now. Now that you know...
  5. Krominel

    Multiple Settings Aliens!! You don't even have to be a blob monster to apply.

    If it wasn't clear from the title, I'm looking for a partner/partners to do a sci-fi/fantasy 1x1 RP. What to expect: I write longish posts (several paragraphs usually), I like to have multiple characters, if you can't give me more than one short paragraph we probably won't be a good match, I...
  6. Krominel

    Fantasy Magic & Mayhem

    Fell from the sky? Really? I mean I had guessed as much but HOW?? He thought. She likely didn’t have an answer for that one, and she didn’t seem inclined to stick around and chat about the subject either. She introduced herself as Shandra. The name didn’t seem to suit her and the way she said...
  7. Krominel

    Sorry to everyone who has been waiting on replies from me..... Life recently threw a trash can...

    Sorry to everyone who has been waiting on replies from me..... Life recently threw a trash can at my face, and while I usually wouldn't mind that, it's kinda gotten in the way of everything else. :(
  8. Krominel

    Fantasy Magic & Mayhem

    Viggo stopped, he looked at the woman as she spoke and his thoughts began to ramble. What the fuck is a dire bear. Bears, bears... Grizzlies, black, polar, there was that sun bear online... Wait, isn’t a dire bear that bear from my sister’s video game? Is she larping right now, or is she just...
  9. Krominel

    So I’m going to reply to everything, I just had to see End Game before someone spoiled it.

    So I’m going to reply to everything, I just had to see End Game before someone spoiled it.
  10. Krominel

    Multiple Settings The Shit Store (1x1) OPEN

    For sure, I can PM you some ideas I have for that, but probably not until "tomorrow" (later today).
  11. Krominel

    Multiple Settings The Shit Store (1x1) OPEN

    “Well then get your shit together. Get it all together and put it in a backpack, all your shit, so it's together. ...and if you gotta take it somewhere, take it somewhere ya know? Take it to the shit store and sell it, or put it in a shit museum. I don't care what you do, you just gotta get it...
  12. Krominel

    Fantasy Magic & Mayhem

    23 Years Ago Headline from a newspaper read “Naked Florida Man Tries to Sell Baby”. Some catching highlights from the article “Man was seen coming out of a nearby mangrove swamp holding a baby.” “Baby’s origin unknown, no leads to find parents” “Man disappeared from police custody on Monday...
  13. Krominel

    Fantasy Superhuman, supernatural themed kerfuffle (1x1) OPEN

    Picture this: A world where humans are gaining superpowers, and supernatural creatures are using this as a way to come out of the shadows without revealing that they exist. One character can either be a regular human, or a superpowered human. The other character is a supernatural creature...
  14. Krominel

    Fantasy Magic & Mayhem

    The Forests The air was sticky that morning. Crunching footsteps made their way winding around the tight knit trees to a small clearing. Sunlight shone down through the overhead canopy of the forest flooding the area in a soft green light. Most hikers didn’t dare to come out this far. A local...
  15. Krominel

    Fantasy Realms and Wizards and Whatnot, (1x1), Closed

    Okay so here's the pitch: Character A is a botanist, they go on a hiking trip deep into the woods to study the plant life. While they're out there they fall into a sort of crack in the universe. The crack leads to a magical version of earth (Earth B). Now character A is actually from that...
  16. Krominel

    Fresh Head of Lettuce

    -smells the air- Yep, this is an introduction post. I had actually already written this post fully, but then I thought of something I wanted to change on my profile before posting it so I tried to use the save draft but it didn't save and so now here we are and I'm hating myself for not being 8...