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  1. NickRogerz

    [Fallout New Vegas: Perfect Shuffle] [Fallout New Vegas: Perfect Shuffle] Out of Character

    For some reason I stopped receiving alerts for this Forum RP, hence my lack of posts. Will catch up soon though.
  2. NickRogerz

    [The Defining Point] [The Defining Point] We're ready to deploy!

    That's right, this roleplay is pretty much ready to go, I will start when people decide to join. If they do... :(
  3. NickRogerz

    [The Defining Point] [The Defining Point] Military Vehicles

    The standard vehicles for the Knights of the Northern European Armed Forces... Light Tank Short Description: A standard steel horse that's seen service for years, fires light shells, moves quite fast and contains four soldiers, with two being pilots, one operating the cannon and the other...
  4. NickRogerz

    [The Defining Point] [The Defining Point] How to Play

    The Defining Point works like your standard forum RP in terms of combat, with dice rolls and well-written combat dialogue determining whether you live, die, or end up wounded (the third you will probably experience 90% of the time). There's also an emphasis on engaging situations in a tactical...
  5. NickRogerz

    [The Defining Point] [The Defining Point] Emperor Francis XVI

    The cold-hearted power-hungry dictator of the Holy Roman Empire, you can immediately tell this powerful lunatic sees himself as a god just by listening to the propaganda he fills the heads of his people with. The Roman citizens that have questioned his leadership have ended up either dead or...
  6. NickRogerz

    [The Defining Point] [The Defining Point] Map of the World

    The current map of the world, as of 1948. Blue is United Kingdom of Northern Europe territory. Yellow is Holy Roman Empire territory. Red is North American Federation territory. Green is South American Federation territory. White is unoccupied territory.
  7. NickRogerz

    Since my old-ass build (from when I first got intoPCs) ran on Windows XP and had an i3 processor...

    Since my old-ass build (from when I first got intoPCs) ran on Windows XP and had an i3 processor (which is superior to any Pentium processor but still terrible when compared to the i5 or i7), I know how you feel. qq
  8. NickRogerz

    [The Defining Point] [The Defining Point] Sir Lancelot Military Academy

    Established in the early 1930s, the Sir Lancelot Military Academy exists in order to turn young recruits into Knights, an elite division of the Northern European Armed Forces. Training is brutal, vigorous and long, but it is necessary in order to separate the weak-willed from the strong-willed...
  9. NickRogerz

    [The Defining Point] [The Defining Point] Holy Roman Empire Soldiers

    Do not ever underestimate your enemy, for even the lowest-ranking on this list are highly trained. Your enemy is dangerous, powerful and out for your blood, they don't fear death (and most likely embrace it) they will kill you if you make the slightest mistake on the field and will refuse to...
  10. NickRogerz

    [The Defining Point] [The Defining Point] Military Uniforms

    Trainee Uniform: Basically a white sweatshirt, leather boots and grey sweatpants, with the front of the shirt being adorned with the logo of Knights. Combat Uniform: What you will receive after you complete training, this uniform consists of a light jacket, light khaki-style pants, harness...
  11. NickRogerz

    [The Defining Point] [The Defining Point] Nations

    The United Kingdom of Northern Europe Short Description: Powerful, influential and economically wealthy, the United Kingdom's roots date back to the medieval era. Leader: Queen Marget Vi Vicoru Capital city: London, England Overall rating: Military Power: 4/5 Population: 4/5...
  12. NickRogerz

    [The Defining Point] [The Defining Point] Equipment

    The standard-issue military-grade equipment for the Knights of the Northern European Armed Forces. Important Equipment: Consists of tactical equipment that's actually important to the mission at hand. Ammo bag Short description: A bag containing ammunition. Medical bag Short...
  13. NickRogerz

    [The Defining Point] [The Defining Point] Character Sheet

    Before we can let you join the Knights, we need some information, please fill out this drafting information sheet... Character Info Name: (First, middle and last name please.) Nickname/s: (Just so we know what to call you by if we feel lazy, hah.) Gender: (Male or female?)...
  14. NickRogerz

    [The Defining Point] [The Defining Point] Lore

    In 1939, ruthless dictator Francis XVI and his nation, the Holy Roman Empire invaded most of Europe, Asia and Africa in a matter of months, because their army had superior tech, superior training and superior weaponry, their domination strategy was a complete success, and the Holy Roman Empire...
  15. NickRogerz

    [The Defining Point] [The Defining Point] Rules of Conduct

    This RP is an establishment, and establishments require rules otherwise there would be total anarchy, which doesn't sound like the best of things. 1. Obey RPNation's already established rules (Bullying/harassment isn't tolerated, etc...) 2. No god-modding, bunnying, etc... Basically, nothing...
  16. NickRogerz

    [The Defining Point] [The Defining Point] Weaponry

    The standard-issue combat ordnance for the Knights of the Northern European Armed Forces. Primary weapons: Consisting of rifles, light machine guns and sub-machine guns... Lee Enfield No 1 MK III Short Description: The go-to weapon of choice for most infantry, this bolt-action beauty...
  17. NickRogerz

    [The Defining Point] [The Defining Point] KIA (Killed in Action)

    The brave soldiers whom have died serving the Queen and Her land, may they rest in peace.
  18. NickRogerz

    [The Defining Point] [The Defining Point] The Defining Point

    The basic roleplay stuff is finished, now all we need are players.
  19. NickRogerz

    [The Defining Point] [The Defining Point] Deleted

    The soldiers that were unfortunate enough to lose their lives in battle, may they rest in peace.
  20. NickRogerz

    [The Defining Point] [The Defining Point] Q&A/FAQ

    Ask questions regarding this RP here to which I will answer them to the best of my ability.