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  1. Yang Hoi

    Fantasy The Seiveril Elves of Lor

    Synnorha awoke to the soft touch of silky fur, slowly lifting her eyelids she was surrounded by a glistening glen and beautiful scenery. Feeling a slight weight on her chest she looked down to see a ferret sniffing her chin with a curious expression. A feeling of nostaglia washed over her and...
  2. Yang Hoi

    Fantasy St. George's Academy for the Gifted

    "Arthur." Yumi repeated dumbfounded, what was his gift? Could he see ghosts or...was he an auran, surely not a diviner or else... Brushing the thought to back of her mind she tried to regain focus of where she was going, apparently Arthur didn't appear to know anything more than she did. "Ah...
  3. Yang Hoi

    Fantasy St. George's Academy for the Gifted

    Yumi held her breath and blinked numerous times unable to grasp her situation. Trying to keep up with the strange blue-eyed boy, many thoughts raced through her mind, "Where is he taking me? Was I caught?! Does he know? I'm done for!" Flustered Yumi was only able to feel the wind through her...
  4. Yang Hoi

    Fantasy St. George's Academy for the Gifted

    Yumi held out her hand and touched this chest, relived she sighed "O-oh, excuse me" *ahem* "I umm...don't have the best vision if any at all, forgive my reaction I was just a little startled." Offering a small smile she thought to herself "Caught, caught! And red-handed too, ooh why did I have...
  5. Yang Hoi

    Fantasy St. George's Academy for the Gifted

    Feeling a slight pressure on her shoulder the blood drained from Yumi's face, she quickly flinched back and caught herself on the door frame. Yumi turned to see a boy with blue eyes staring right at her. But of course she did the same thing she's done since she was six -- she acted blind. At...
  6. Yang Hoi

    Fantasy St. George's Academy for the Gifted

    Hearing the rustling sound again Yumi frowned at the creaking noise from the hall, "Why would so many people be up at this hour" she thought to herself. Unable to keep her curiosity down she went out into the hall and peaked her head through the door. She saw a few students walking through the...
  7. Yang Hoi

    Fantasy St. George's Academy for the Gifted

    Yumi sighed, no answer from Bente. Tossing and turning upon the bed she ran through the list of events that could've been, had she kept her mouth shut. Wallowing in regret Yumi simply couldn't sleep thinking about Bente. Hearing rustling about as if someone was walking through the halls she...
  8. Yang Hoi

    St. George's Academy for the Gifted

    I'm not sure, I'm waiting for Jaciel (Bente) to reply before I can really comment again.m :/
  9. Yang Hoi

    Fantasy St. George's Academy for the Gifted

    Yumi sat somewhat bewildered and a slight heavy feeling weighed on her. "Did I upset her perhaps? I suppose I should apologize." she thought to herself. A new found confidence lifted her feeble legs from the bed and she began to search for Bente through open doors. After a brief session of...
  10. Yang Hoi

    The Seiveril Elves of Lor

    Name: Synnorha Age: 18 Soul: Ferret What came with you?: Silver ring with engraved roses and a sealed pocket size music box. Personality: Synnorha is quite shy and quite and enjoys the company of animals to the fullest. She also tends to avoid crowds but is very sympathetic to those who...
  11. Yang Hoi

    Fantasy St. George's Academy for the Gifted

    Feeling the weight of the bed drop she realized that Bente was siting next to her. Keeping her eyes closed keep up the act of blindness Yumi simply smiled and replied "Yumi." -After a slight pause- "You know, this is a school for the gifted, what might be your special ability?" she asked in...
  12. Yang Hoi

    Fantasy St. George's Academy for the Gifted

    Whirling her head left and right Yumi pretended not to see the beautiful woman with hair of fire, "Hello?" she asked. "Are of my dorm mates? You'll have to excuse my lack of vision, I couldn't see the list of my dorm mates so I'm not sure if 'Bente' was on the list. But its a lovely name".
  13. Yang Hoi

    Fantasy St. George's Academy for the Gifted

    Feigning her blindness, as always, Yumi was shyly able to snatch one of the students passing by and asked in a soft voice; "Can you show me to the dorms?" The student noticing that Yumi was blind kindly took her arm and asked "Whats your name?", "Yumi, Yumi Tsunasa." She answered, soft spoken as...
  14. Yang Hoi

    St. George's Academy for the Gifted

    Do you mind if my character feigns her blindness? Since she'd rather appear blind and at a disadvantage so she can find her parent's killer in her background story.
  15. Yang Hoi

    St. George's Academy for the Gifted

    Name: Yumi Tsunasa Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/valerie_by_arieaesu-d5dqh44.jpg.ad2ae60854b2fdb75240dbc5592233c6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19937"...