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  1. Arcana_Maxima

    Latest OC Character - Jackson Blackmore

    Well, I am back after... maybe a month or so? Work is a pain I have to tell you, plus being Summer here I am almost always away from my stuffy room. For now, here's my latest OC I had made for a new D&D campaign alongside workmates. A scroll unwinds itself, showing the details of the person...
  2. Arcana_Maxima

    Music What are you currently listening to?

    Back before I found this RP site, I was on another one that had a general discussion named "Currently listening to...". There, we would post a YouTube link for the song we were currently listening to. Everyone had their own style of music, and it helped introduce many others to the many...
  3. Arcana_Maxima

    First Original Character

    Before I get into my character, I would first like to say that my username IS my Roleplay characters name. I had created many more after him, but I mostly went back and continuously updated how my character is. I have used the character across many other Fantasy roleplays as well. Now, onto the...
  4. Arcana_Maxima

    Hello to all fellow Roleplayers!

    Hello to the many fellow Roleplayers here on RP Nation, My name is Jacky, but feel free to call me by my Roleplaying name, 'Arcana Maxima'. I am a roleplayer of 13 years now who started roleplaying back in 2003 with version 3.5 of Dungeons and Dragons. I have since then expanded my horizons...