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  1. Horsefeathers

    Realistic or Modern Wolf and Rabbit

    @DuckLime Sure I work today but I'll be on this evening.
  2. Horsefeathers

    Realistic or Modern A couple of Ideas slightly Halloweeny

    @XxDeadly_NightshadexX I'll send you a PM after I get off work!
  3. Horsefeathers

    Realistic or Modern A couple of Ideas slightly Halloweeny

    Hello it's been awhile. Things got rather hectic in my and my family's lives, so I apologize if I just disappeared on you. Feel free to send me a message or leave a comment below if you are interested in starting up again. All I ask is that you understand real life is more important than RP...
  4. Horsefeathers

    Realistic or Modern Wolf and Rabbit

    Are you still looking? I think we'd be a good match, though with my schedule I am unavailable to reply everyday. But I can reply about every other day. Please let me know if you you are still interested. Thanks!
  5. Horsefeathers

    Realistic or Modern Are we a good match?

    @Roleplayerforfun , @jaylen , @Lovelylie I will get in touch with ya'll later it's later here and I am going bed. Thank you for you interest you guys are the best!
  6. Horsefeathers

    Realistic or Modern Are we a good match?

    Hello there, may I just say that you are amazing! Moving on I'm looking for some more partners. Maybe you could be one of them. I'll try to keep this short and sweet ( I have a big mouth at times). Basically I need someone who understands that I am an adult who is working and attending college...
  7. Horsefeathers

    Other So what's YOUR sign?

    Gemini, though I'm not really into astrology I do find it interesting. I also feel rather out numbered lol.
  8. Horsefeathers

    Other How many genders?

    I can't remember which friend told me this but, it was something they studied in one of their sociology classes years ago. I'm unfortunately to lazy to look into it more but, I thought it was interesting and pertains to your question. (I'm not very knowledgeable in this area either, though...
  9. Horsefeathers

    Sorry to those who started rping for the delay. My brother had a stroke and passed away I'll...

    Sorry to those who started rping for the delay. My brother had a stroke and passed away I'll post when I can.
  10. Horsefeathers

    Realistic or Modern Let's get down to Plot!

    @Cupcake2007 I should be able to send you a pm soon. @Aiety thank you for your interest and I'm happhappychat more about the pairings I'll send you a pm soon. @Funkybub If you can send me a pm with this plot I'd like to hear it, if you cant I'll send you a pm when I can.
  11. Horsefeathers

    Other What made you smile today?

    Playing with my Niece and Nephew, they are twins and three years old. They always bring a smile to my face especially when all I have to do is wiggle my finger and they start laughing because they know that means it is time for tickles.
  12. Horsefeathers

    Other Why did you pick your name?

    Horsefeathers; because it was an old timey word that means nonsense which I enjoy. I spend enough time in the real world and this a place where I can escape and horses have feathers here and other such wonderful nonsensical things can happen here. :)
  13. Horsefeathers

    Literature Favorite Book/Series

    The Lord of the Rings by far but I also thoroughly enjoy the Jack Reacher series, and in my youth really like the Hardy Boys and Nacy Drew books
  14. Horsefeathers

    Literature Hogwarts House?

    I'm a Hufflepuff.
  15. Horsefeathers

    Other Something you're thankful for today :)

    Today I am thankful for reconnecting with a friend from my childhood.
  16. Horsefeathers

    Viewpoint Do you ever play the opposite gender? Do you prefer it?

    I do play the opposite gender. And there are times I prefer it and others when it I don't, and even other times I have no preference. It all depends on the plot and the character for me anyway.
  17. Horsefeathers

    Other Ever Felt Overwhelmed?

    That is a good question, first I take a step back, then take a few deep breaths, and say a prayer. I find that praying really helps me to relax and feel less burdened. I also have found it helpful to remind myself that I am fortunate, and while I feel like I am struggling it will get better...
  18. Horsefeathers

    Realistic or Modern Let's get down to Plot!

    @Cupcake2007 thank you, and thanks for your interest! I can shoot you a pm after I get my posts in if you'd like.
  19. Horsefeathers

    Realistic or Modern Let's get down to Plot!

    Hello fellow members of RPN, Long story short I had an old account on here years ago, and due to a family emergency needed to postpone rping. Things have calmed down though it's been so long I thought it would be best to just start fresh. Anyway on to the reason you are here, to find a...