Search results for query: *

  1. andromeda3742

    Fandom anybody in the same fandoms?

    Hey guys! I just made this thread to look for some partners in the same fandoms I'm in. Take a look at them down below: Undertale Stranger Things Steven Universe Harry Potter Gorillaz If you are in any of these fanbases, please talk to me! We could sort out what sort of scenario we do over...
  2. andromeda3742

    Multiple Settings the padded room // a choose your own adventure story

    greetings. you have been knocked unconscious, trapped in a room, and strapped to a chair with rope. you are afraid and confused, wondering who brought you here and why they tied you up. if you want any chance of escaping, you will either have to try to escape the room, or let somebody come...
  3. andromeda3742

    Fandom Blair Wilder / Undertale OC

    Name: Blair Wilder Age: about 22 Gender: Female Fandom: Undertale Species: Half-demon Hair: naturally cyan Eyes: Dark blue Backstory: Blair was a human when she fell down to the underground, and she made friends with some of the monster kids, but one day her and one of the monsters got into a...
  4. andromeda3742

    Fandom All OCs

    Here's my list of OCs, the full list coming soon.
  5. andromeda3742

    Fandom Undertale RP

    The woman stepped out of her large, black, cube-shaped house in HotLand, pulling a cigarette out of her sweatshirt pocket, lighting it with her mind and taking a smoke from it. She was going to walk to the shop in Snowdin, for the sole reason that she needed to buy some food to stock her home...
  6. andromeda3742

