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  1. DistantAnthem

    Fandom A Mutants Last Hope RP

    @WhipDing @younGrandon @Anyone Nickie was about to reply to Tyler when Colossus began his briefing. As she had figured, this was recruitment for a special mission. Listening carefully to the briefing, the technopath found herself looking forward to this. For the past 6 months, she had just...
  2. DistantAnthem

    Fandom A Mutants Last Hope RP

    @WhipDing “Plenty of ideas.” Nickie answered, her gaze switching back to Colossus and Quicksilver. “Though nothing concrete until our hosts speak up.” Taking a quick look around, she took careful note of everyone who had shown up. None seemed infirm, though one did look like a child. Some...
  3. DistantAnthem

    Fandom A Mutants Last Hope RP

    @WhipDing @Nitro Nickie did her best to look at Tyler as answered her question. She had heard OT mutants who could increase and/or decrease their size, but their natural size was usually within normal human perimeters. But that was the thing about mutations. Once you thought you've seen...
  4. DistantAnthem

    Fandom A Mutants Last Hope RP

    @Nitro @WhipDing Nickie resisted the urge to snap her head around to look at the guy who walked up to her, not wanting to whip her tiny tag along with her hair. Moving her head slowly, she eyed Max. "Do you want a name to go with the power overview, stranger?" She said, her unease with the...
  5. DistantAnthem

    Fandom A Mutants Last Hope RP

    @WhipDing Nickie paused. She had been having this odd skin crawling sensation ever since she made for the main hall. She had put it down to nerves at first, but it was localized and moving. She had turned her skin sensitivity down after an incident a few weeks ago when she was covered in ants...
  6. DistantAnthem

    Fandom A Mutants Last Hope OOC

    All good.
  7. DistantAnthem

    Fandom A Mutants Last Hope RP

    Nickie sat cross legged in a cramped corner, wishing she could close her eyes and enjoy the music she was playing in her head, but she had been getting some odd looks from the other refugees. Despite not breathing a word of what her new body was, she couldn't help but feel people knew and were...
  8. DistantAnthem

    Fandom A Mutants Last Hope OOC

    Agreed. Pretty classic start. The militant Multiple Man angle seems like a good fit for the scenario and should be pretty fun to play off of. Depending on how things go, Nickie may offer to upgrade Fodder's gear.
  9. DistantAnthem

    Fandom A Mutants Last Hope OOC

    Heh, probably not.
  10. DistantAnthem

    Fandom A Mutants Last Hope CS

    General Info Name: Nichole Barris Alias/Nickname: Matrix/Nickie Gender: Female Birthdate: April 8th Age: 25 Birthplace: New Orleans, Louisiana History: Nickie Barris grew up quite enough, moving around the country for most of it. She found out about her mutation without major incident and kept...
  11. DistantAnthem

    Fandom A Mutants Last Hope (X-Men based RP)

    I’m interested. I have two ideas I am currently thinking on and was wonder if you had a preference for a somewhat unhinged recruit with ties to Clan Akkaba (decendents of Apocalypse) or a technopath whose mind is stuck in an experimental Sentinel bio-unit?
  12. DistantAnthem

    Fandom Star Wars: The Shadow Empire (SW RP???)

    Interested in either one.
  13. DistantAnthem

    Futuristic Endgame Characters

    Name: Penny Alias: Stained Gender: Female Age: 27 Appearance: Hair usually down and brushed to one side when off duty. When using her powers, multicolor abstract tribal tattoos appear on her skin. When she shaved the sides of her head, the tattoos appeared to grow to cover the newly...