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  1. Sansa Stark

    Be My Roleplay Soulmate?

    From what I read here, I think you might have found your match. PM me? :)
  2. Sansa Stark

    Lots of Ideas (Original and Fandom)

    What kind of Assassin's Creed RP did you have in mind?
  3. Sansa Stark

    Partner Search v2! (Always Open)

    Crime roleplay! That sounds absolutely wonderful.
  4. Sansa Stark

    Medieval Fantasy or Harvest Moon? More inside!

    Hello! I'm specifically looking for one-on-ones. Grammar and flow, writing style, syntax, and dedication to the story is a MUST. If you do not have any of those things, please stop reading and click out of this tab now. Be active--one reply every three days, at least. Romance is necessary...
  5. Sansa Stark

    Few and Far Between

    "Indeed," came Clarye's chuckle, "before my father decides to embarrass me in front of the whole seven kingdoms." The farewells were all good-natured and polite, laced with well-wishes and hopes for long reigns and multiple sons. It was the same sort of nonsense Claryse had been hearing all...
  6. Sansa Stark

    Multiple plots that I'm craving...<3

    Okay! Shoot me a PM with your pairing.
  7. Sansa Stark

    Few and Far Between

    "Aye, indeed, but what I wouldn't give for the thrill o'those fights. Gods, Ned, do you remember the glory? The bloodshed? The women?" He gave a hearty laugh, pushing away the thought of the only woman that mattered, the one that made all the others so necessary. "It does me great joy to see our...
  8. Sansa Stark

    Lying Is The Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off

    What did you have in mind?
  9. Sansa Stark

    Multiple plots that I'm craving...<3

    Bump! Specifically looking for Game of Thrones, but the other options are still open.
  10. Sansa Stark

    Fandom image promts

    Sherlock/John? :)
  11. Sansa Stark

    Fandom Tons of ideas/fandoms :3

    The Walking Dead. I'd love to do that with you.
  12. Sansa Stark

    1x 1 Rp, A lot of RP parings inside!

    Arranged marriage is one I've been DYING to do.
  13. Sansa Stark

    Kingdom Come [Inactive]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  14. Sansa Stark

    Few and Far Between

    Though the Lannisters remained in a state of frustration from Tyrion's grand gift, the rest of the party sailed smoothly into sunset with plenty of music, food, dancing, laughter and other festivities that had the guests in deep chatter long after it had all been drawn to a close. Claryse...
  15. Sansa Stark

    Few and Far Between

    "Right then." With a clap of his small hands, a couple of Lannister guardsmen left the premises of the elaborate feast, only to return moments later with a large object obscured and hidden by a white sheet. Heads had turned in the direction of the stone courtyard where other patrons had...
  16. Sansa Stark

    Multiple plots that I'm craving...<3

    Anyone else?
  17. Sansa Stark

    Footsteps of a Stranger

    Honiahaka did not like how soft her voice was, how innocent and gentle. It defied every nature he knew the White Man to hold. He looked down upon the young woman with spite that could kill, and yet his arm remained frozen, paralyzed by the beauty and the harmlessness of her. She spoke in a...
  18. Sansa Stark

    Few and Far Between

    It was enough to simply watch the laughter of the guests, the busy chatter and the smiles accompanied by well wishes. Robb and Claryse sat at the tip of the dias, the center, a position meant for a king and queen had the occasion been any different. Countless knights and lords approached the...
  19. Sansa Stark

    Footsteps of a Stranger

    What on earth is she doing? His tomahawk was raised, entire body ready to deliver the killing blow, and yet the native couldn't help but pause. The woman who spoke in the White Man's tongue seemed so innocently distracted, so personally enveloped in the poisonous flower before her. Did she...
  20. Sansa Stark

    Multiple plots that I'm craving...<3

    Oh, yes please! :)