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  1. Hans Johann

    Fantasy [Private] The Adventures of Maeja and Roland

    Rain fell from the darkened sky in thick, fat drops. It wasn't a heavy rain, or a violent rain, just slow, and steady. In a clearing, deep in the Zelenya forest, not far from the village of Osterlandsk, two hooded figures stood cloaked in garb made of waterproof leaves around a ritual circle...
  2. Hans Johann

    One x One [Private] The Adventures of Maeja and Roland: CS & Lore

    Roland Thurgood Bio and Background The polished white double doors were gigantic. Were they Twenty feet tall? Thirty? The dimensions of this place seemed to warp constantly. Roland looked up and tried to find the ceiling, only to discover there wasn’t one. The walls here just went up...
  3. Hans Johann

    Fantasy Pathfinder, anyone?

    Hey all! I'd love to find someone who is interested in playing a 1x1 Pathfinder campaign. Starting at level 1. Any race, class, alignment, archetype, etc. Not looking for a romantic RP, but not necessarily opposed to it. Open to gender bending. LGBT friendly. Overall just looking for...
  4. Hans Johann

    New here...

    Popping in to say hi. Looking to play around with writing more and get my creative juices flowing again. Been so long since I was in an RP forum!