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  1. Cthulhu

    Futuristic The Codes of Humanity

    "Mm, so this place is kinda dull. But like.. The safe kinda dull." Extant muttered before sitting down. "We waitin' on your boss?"
  2. Cthulhu

    Futuristic The Codes of Humanity

    "Yeah, yeah. Promise I'll be on my P's and Q's." He commented as he followed after her. "Promise on my wings,"
  3. Cthulhu

    Futuristic The Codes of Humanity

    "I think I can do that," Extant responded happily enough. The people inside looked boring anyway.
  4. Cthulhu

    Futuristic The Codes of Humanity

    When Extant stepped out of the van, his wings flapped happily. "We didn't get attacked this time! I'd call that a wiiiiiiiiiin," he clapped his hands. "Starting to get the hang of things, I think." After a few more stretches, he looked around for Minerva. "Anywhoo, I'm sure I'm the toast of...
  5. Cthulhu

    Futuristic The Codes of Humanity

    "Look, if they try and do any funny stuff. I'll just leave. Because if they do try they run the risk of setting me off; and nobody wants that." He sighed. "So lets try this 'car' thing again."
  6. Cthulhu

    Futuristic The Codes of Humanity

    "Oh, he sounds pleasant." He blinked. "But try and 'hold' me? Well ... I'm sure they'll try but I doubt it'll get them very far. Though to be frank ... I really don't know where else to go. I mean, I can't exactly hide when I look like this." He scratched the place where his nose should be...
  7. Cthulhu

    Futuristic The Codes of Humanity

    "What? Oh uh ... hmm. Might be able to find some of them, I guess. But you know; they're kinda doing their own thing a the moment..." He responded before dropping off to just stand there silently for a moment as he did his search. When he managed to locate as many of the Code as he could, a...
  8. Cthulhu

    Futuristic The Codes of Humanity

    He just watched and waited patiently. When Minerva got the nod to hop in the car, and he didn't, he just chuckled and flapped his useless wings a little. "Don't mind me, just a Code is all." Granted, he didn't exactly mind walking, or following the car; or even better, riding on the top of the...
  9. Cthulhu

    Futuristic The Codes of Humanity

    Extant just watched the reporters. They were kind of like ants, really. Or maybe like vultures .. he didn't know. But they watched and waited for something to happen, before swarming all over it with the intent to dissect it. It was ... bothersome. But for the moment, they seemed to be...
  10. Cthulhu

    Futuristic The Codes of Humanity

    "Neither do I!" He wiggled his right foot for emphasis. "We have so much in common!" He chuckled. "Seriously though, it looks like the people you work for, or whoever, take care of you. So I could see them replacing all the stuff you lost today." He paused. "I guess, if they don't replace your...
  11. Cthulhu

    Futuristic The Codes of Humanity

    Extant, however, was rather happy. "That went pretty good, I think. Got rid of that guy without actually having to do anything!" He clapped his hands together. "So far, this hasn't been an entire was of a day; sure it started out bad enough, but hey." He watched her straighten her uniform...
  12. Cthulhu

    Futuristic The Codes of Humanity

    "You're bothering the lady," Extant finally spoke up. "She said no comment, and I'm pretty sure that doesn't mean "pester her until she says something else", now does it?"
  13. Cthulhu

    Futuristic The Codes of Humanity

    "Well, I mean, I'm on TV ... I wouldn't think that's a good thing." He gestured back at the guy running up behind him. "Also, this guy .. I mean, I get the feeling that this has the potential to end badly. But that's just me." He shrugged. "Too late now though, I guess."
  14. Cthulhu

    Futuristic The Codes of Humanity

    Extant nodded, and set her down. "No muss, no fuss... Seems like we're been ditched and your media people have shown up anyway." He frowned. Now that was something he didn't want. To be seen by the world at large, if anything, he was the worst one that could be shown off on television. He...
  15. Cthulhu

    Futuristic The Codes of Humanity

    "So, uh ... should I put you down or something?" Extant asked Minerva calmly. "I mean, unless you prefer the view up here, or something." It wasn't that he didn't mind holding her, was actually kinda nice to feel the warmth of another person, but the people she worked for didn't seem as...
  16. Cthulhu

    Futuristic The Codes of Humanity

    Extant waited patiently until he was addressed directly. "Do what? If you're talking about the fighting well ... we were kind of made to do that. I mean, that's how I understand it anyway. But I've found that humor helps. It helps a lot."
  17. Cthulhu

    Futuristic The Codes of Humanity

    "Mm?" He looked down at Minerva. "I'm not exactly sure how you're going to find a car in all this mess ... I mean everything's kinda ... 'splodey." He paused. "Though, I suppose if we can't find us a car or whatever in the next few minutes, I can just carry you wherever it is this HQ of yours...
  18. Cthulhu

    The Codes of Humanity

    Name: Leslie "Punch Lord" Mannhauser Rank: HDF General Age: 46 Appearance: Personality: Takes care of those under his command... in his own special way. Doesn't care who you are on way or the other, so long as you get your job done, and done right. He also speaks his mind, and rather...
  19. Cthulhu

    Futuristic The Codes of Humanity

    "Oh, hey weird guy! But huh .. what do I fear?" He blinked. "Eh, you're asking the wrong guy, honestly. But if I had to be afraid of something, probably gonna have to go with 'what I do when I'm bothered', 'cuz that guy is 100% Cataclysmic." He paused. "Er .. well it's the same guy no multiple...
  20. Cthulhu

    Futuristic The Codes of Humanity

    "Okay then Chief of Strategy at HDF, who does not enjoy shooting shades." He responded with amusement. "I'll believe you don't like shooting things when ... pigs fly." If it could be seen, his smile at this point would be from ear to ear. Sent from my SGH-M919 using Tapatalk