Search results for query: *

  1. jezobel

    Fandom Takano x Onodera [closed]

    It took perhaps a split second too long for Takano to fully grasp that the loud, distracting noise invading this very personal occasion was Kisa's voice. It took another split second too long before what he was saying started to catch up with Takano, as well. His mood, that a mere moment ago had...
  2. jezobel

    Fandom Takano x Onodera [closed]

    Reality was still catching up to Takano, a little at a time. He had been running a marathon in impenetrable fog, and had realized only moments before that he'd finally passed the finish line. Onodera spoke the words that had up to that point only been implied. Takano didn't say a word, just...
  3. jezobel

    Fandom Takano x Onodera [closed]

    As Onodera fought to speak, Takano kept pinning him with his gaze, their faces close together. When that one, small word passed the other man's lips, it was as though a suppressive demon had been exorcised, and fled the room. Weight Takano had never realized he was carrying slipped off his...
  4. jezobel

    Fandom Takano x Onodera [closed]

    Some of the anger cleared from Takano's face. Perhaps from surprise, perhaps from conflicting instincts, he reverted back to his usual, blank poker face, eyebrows somewhat furrowed. He studied Onodera, feeling unsure exactly how to interpret what he was hearing. It wasn't quite a confession...
  5. jezobel

    Fandom Takano x Onodera [closed]

    At first, Takano simply stared in surprise and confusion. He couldn’t quite believe the size of the outburst he was witnessing. Mentally, he was doing a double take, trying to fully absorb what Onodera was saying. He could sense how close Onodera was to confessing, and it was like dangling...
  6. jezobel

    Fandom Takano x Onodera [closed]

    Onodera's insistence that he eat something earned little more than a dismissive huff as a response. Takano was in too bad a mood to feel something as mundane as hunger. Him, needing sustenance to function? Ridiculous. Takano busied himself with the unfinished sentence on the screen, trying and...
  7. jezobel

    Fandom Takano x Onodera [closed]

    Takano wasn't expecting to be spoken to. Onodera's voice cut through his focus, and he completely lost his train of thought. His fingers stopped dead on the keyboard halfway through a typed sentence, and he shifted his gaze from his laptop screen to Onodera. The sleep deprivation was obvious on...
  8. jezobel

    Fandom Takano x Onodera [closed]

    Nothing, huh. Onodera was a terrible liar, that much hadn’t changed since their high school days. What had changed, Takano supposed, was the frequency Onodera attempted to lie in the first place. Lie or not, he let it slide. The more he thought about it, the more he became convinced that...
  9. jezobel

    Fandom Takano x Onodera [closed]

    Once on the train, Takano sank into the seat next to Onodera and yawned. While taking a sip of coffee, he glanced over at the other man, only to notice that he was being stared at. He paused, returning the gaze. "What is it?" The eye contact was enough to make Takano's heart feel lighter. As...
  10. jezobel

    Fandom Takano x Onodera [closed]

    When Onodera pulled his arm away, Takano relaxed his grip and let him go without trying to stop him or say anything. Onodera was saying some harsh things, but Takano barely seemed to react. Although being polite had its place in his professional life, he didn't really care about being called...
  11. jezobel

    Fandom Takano x Onodera [closed]

    It was more of a relief to Takano than he first realized it would be to hear that Onodera believed him. Not because he didn't think Onodera knew that he loved him, but because he had half expected for him to try to deny that, too. He couldn't help but be happy that he hadn't tried to deny it...
  12. jezobel

    Fandom Takano x Onodera [closed]

    For the second time, Takano found himself preventing Onodera from spilling his coffee as the other shoved him away. "Oi, careful," he muttered. He put his lips to the brim of the can, mostly to clean up some stray droplets that had landed there, and took a sip of the hot liquid. Takano rested...
  13. jezobel

    Multiple Settings 1x1 Search!

    The psycho x suicidal pairing sounds like something that could be straight up my alley. I'd love to know what kind of chemistry you were looking for between them, or if you have any plot ideas in mind for them at all. Any preference for which you want to play?
  14. jezobel

    Fandom Takano x Onodera [closed]

    He leaned his cheek against the top of Onodera’s head, for the moment simply enjoying the feeling of not being pushed away. Takano of course had limited experience with concepts like 'family' and 'home'. The words themselves lacked much more than a mechanical definition to him, they were simply...
  15. jezobel

    Fandom Takano x Onodera [closed]

    He was less than surprised at the response he was getting, and wasn’t visibly reacting much, although he would have preferred it if he could have kept his hand in Onodera’s hair for a bit longer. But, he let Onodera push him away, careful to adjust for the recoil so he wouldn’t spill any of his...
  16. jezobel

    Fandom Takano x Onodera [closed]

    Takano let Onodera's reason why he was still pouring over the story board drift past without comment. It was exactly the kind of persistence and dedication to improving himself that he had come to expect from him. Not only was it why Takano, the editor in chief of Emerald, knew that Onodera, the...
  17. jezobel

    Fandom Takano x Onodera [closed]

    Onodera wasn't lagging behind. He rarely did, always somehow finding enough drive and dedication within himself to carry him reasonably unscathed over any hurdles his professional life threw his way. So, as Takano had come to expect, Onodera wasn't lagging behind, but as far as Takano was...
  18. jezobel

    Fandom MxM Fandoms

    @ChibiMonkey Oh man, Sekai-Ichi is definitely one of my favourite yaoi series I've come across. Junjou is up there as well, same author and all. I've been away from rp for a couple of years, and may need a bit of time to dust myself off and get back into the swing of things, but if you're okay...
  19. jezobel

    Hello all!

    @The Mechanist Thanks! It's good to be here! ^^
  20. jezobel

    Hello all!

    Thanks so much! I've actually never rp'd on a forum before, but I've been looking around a bit, and it seems pretty straight forward... I hope anyways, haha ^^