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  1. Vslayer

    Rizzoli and Isles: Closed to VSlayer

    Jane usually hated it when Maura drove, not because she was necessarily a bad driver, but because she was, oh say, tortoise like. Not today folks, not today. Today, Maura Isles drove like a true detective. The brunette had been holding to the handle bar on the old Ford, cheering the woman on...
  2. Vslayer

    Rizzoli and Isles: Closed to VSlayer

    "Hope ya wont be too afraid of my 'testosterone levels'." Jane joked, even though she should feel offended about the manly comment, she doesn't. In her line of work, it's something that works to her advantage. She settled in the passenger seat, letting her right arm dangle out of the open window...
  3. Vslayer

    Rizzoli and Isles: Closed to VSlayer

    "Yeah," Jane stood up, wiping the crumbs from her pants. "Got a wife to interview." She said with fake enthusiasm. The brunette paid for them both, opening the front door of the restaurant for the petite blond. It only struck Jane at this very moment that this lunch outing really seemed like a...
  4. Vslayer

    Rizzoli and Isles: Closed to VSlayer

    "Ah, ah, it's hilarious." Jane commented sarcastically as she leaned back in her chair, covering her mouth to let out a burp. "It's not 'cause we're two attractive women who hang out with each other...a lot, that we're you know, gay. People see what they like to see." She said, though she wasn't...
  5. Vslayer

    Rizzoli and Isles: Closed to VSlayer

    "Oh yes, pardon me, I didn't think that having someone else clean your clothes for you was such an inconvenience." Jane replied, her voice laced with sarcasm. She finished the rest of her burger, practically licking her plate. The detective had been too focused on savoring every crumb that...
  6. Vslayer

    Rizzoli and Isles: Closed to VSlayer

    Jane raised an eyebrow at her friend's ramble. "I got handcuffs that say otherwise, miss 'I'm oh so flexible'." She jokingly stuck out her tongue at Maura, trying to forget the sinful thoughts of a flexible Maura from invading her head. Just as the doctor chose to talk about breast, Jane decided...
  7. Vslayer

    Rizzoli and Isles: Closed to VSlayer

    Jane snorted a laugh, shaking her head. "Yeah, well don't tell anyone about this or I'll...." She looked around and slouched forward on her forearms, speaking in a low whisper. "Force you to wear unmatched outfits everyday." She joked, leaning back in her chair to finish her meal. Her...
  8. Vslayer

    Rizzoli and Isles: Closed to VSlayer

    Jane couldn't hold back the warm smile that spread across her face as she stared at her friend. "That's one thing." She glanced at their joined hands, knowing she'd have to give Maura an explanation. Screw the not touching rule right? At least the detective was able to have skin to skin contact...
  9. Vslayer

    Rizzoli and Isles: Closed to VSlayer

    "I don't understand 'cause I, unlike you, don't have a pHD in everything." Jane started eating, taking unnecessary big bites that hardly fit in her mouth. Sometimes, she had to push the food back in as she chewed to prevent it to fall back down on her plate, half masticated. The brunette looked...
  10. Vslayer

    Rizzoli and Isles: Closed to VSlayer

    Not only was Jane going to milk this for all it was worth, she found her friend's train of thoughts incredibly cute. The brunette has never met anyone like the doctor before and she can say without a doubt that she's happy she did. "Yes, yes, sometimes, when you say things I just...don't...
  11. Vslayer

    Rizzoli and Isles: Closed to VSlayer

    Jane hastily parked the car in one of the free spaces, shifting it in park before it came to a complete stop, jerking our two ladies forward. She clipped her belt off, took Maura's hand that was still on her thigh and cradled it between both of her hands as she stared into the woman's hazel...
  12. Vslayer

    Rizzoli and Isles: Closed to VSlayer

    Jane burst out laughing, thinking Maura was seriously joking. Albeit she wasn't, seeing as the brunette was the only one howling in laughter. She completely stopped and cocked her head slightly, looking at the doctor in horror. "Maura, I.Am.Not.Pregnant. Who would be the father, you?" Jane asked...
  13. Vslayer

    Rizzoli and Isles: Closed to VSlayer

    "Isn't releasing anger a stress relief?" Jane asked. Just then, a teenager, who most likely recently got his license, had the balls to cut the detective off. There was something worse than his driving though, the crooked cap on his head and the white sun glasses. Jane flared her nostrils, jaw...
  14. Vslayer

    Rizzoli and Isles: Closed to VSlayer

    Jane blinked twice as she listen to Maura ramble on about Stephenie Meyer. "I lost you at...the very beginning. I still think we should arrest her." She shifted the car in drive and sped out of the parking spot. The detective hadn't bothered to look behind her before leaving and as a result...
  15. Vslayer

    Rizzoli and Isles: Closed to VSlayer

    "Shh, Maura, c'mon!" Jane hissed in a whisper, looking around to make sure no one heard the doctor say the T word. "The only reason I know about it is 'cause Ma kept talking about it like it was the Holy Grail. The only vampire movie worth watching is Blade. Now that dude is badass." She said as...
  16. Vslayer

    Rizzoli and Isles: Closed to VSlayer

    "Hey...Maur." Jane frowned as she saw Maura quite obviously looking at her stomach. "What, is my shirt dirty?" She asked, looking down at her shirt, straightening it out to see it better. After having quickly inspected the garment and came to the conclusion that it was spotless, at least to her...
  17. Vslayer

    Rizzoli and Isles: Closed to VSlayer

    Jane chuckled as she read Maura's reply. -NEV HER ah ah meet me in the lobby in 5 She purposely replied with the funkiest spelling mistake she could think of knowing it would annoy the doctor. The brunette slid her phone back into it's holster as she stood up, flashing Frost a toothy grin...
  18. Vslayer

    Rizzoli and Isles: Closed to VSlayer

    Their John Doe had a squeaky clean record, with a couple of speeding tickets. Verdict: is life seemed truly boring. The most disturbing thing they found about him was that his first name was Sherman. "His parents must have hated him." Jane remarked, making a face at the distasteful choice of...
  19. Vslayer

    Rizzoli and Isles: Closed to VSlayer

    "I'm fine Maura." The detective answered quickly, dismissing the doctor's concern. "Let me know if you find anything, I'll be upstairs." Jane rushed out of the morgue, almost tripping in the exact spot she did a few days ago. Thankfully, her quick reflexes helped her this time as her hand...
  20. Vslayer

    Rizzoli and Isles: Closed to VSlayer

    Jane hadn't attempted to back away, she convinced herself it was for her well being. The detective knew she'd probably trip into something, hit her head against the counter and crack her skull open. Then, she'd be the one laying in her birthday suit, on that cold autopsy table. At first...