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  • Users: Glenn
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  1. G

    The Clone Wars?

    Hello! I'm just looking for a simple Jedi master and padawan roleplay. No romance, just something hella chill okay maybe wars aren't chill but ya'know I'm fine with playing padawan or master; I have props for each one. Don't go apeshit with the descriptiveness. Maybe a paragraph and...
  2. G

    Just want to rp.

    Bum-ba dum Hello! I'm up for roleplay.
  3. G

    Looking for a good long term partner :)

    Hello! Your terms and conditions seem reasonable. You do original roleplays, right?
  4. G

    Roleplay partner?

    I'll be short and simple. I'm looking for a roleplay partner to do an original plotline. Preferably, I'd not want it to be a AxB type of thing. I mean, I'm down for romance. Just not having the plotline base around it. It'd be an original plotline; we can discuss adding onto it before we...
  5. G

    Roleplay Partners? Sci-Fi, Medieval, and Anything in between

    So- Hello! As the title implies, I am indeed looking for a roleplay partner.  I'm all up forboriginal content; Preferably no fandoms. Science fiction, medieval times, some types of fantasy, and occasionally modern are what I roleplay. Feel free to ask if I roleplay a certain thing! Also-...
  6. G


    Sorry, Hello, Ctdos and Mysterious Figure! I'll make sure to check that out, Skycommander.
  7. G


    Yeah, it'd be good for the roleplay to last. Take your time. Thank you!
  8. G


    I do believe I've had one Steampunk character before. I never used her, but I liked her design. Oh? You're working on a roleplay? I'll make sure to check it out when it's finished. ill be honest i haven't watched all the star wars movies ive watched all the series in reverse But...
  9. G


    Sorry, the site had an error for me. Ah, I'm joking. Unfortunately, My usual website for roleplaying gives into the temptation too much, as to why I'm here. Star Wars is one of the only fandoms I roleplay. I like the universe, it gives a good base for roleplaying. I haven't heard of...
  10. G


    Who said I did it well? Ah, thank you! It's good to meet you, too. You seem quite kind. Well, I'm all up for originality and realism in roleplays. Sci-Fi, certain fantasy, Medieval/Kingdoms, anything that has a good plotline, ya'know? I'm trying my best to be more open to suggestions with...
  11. G


    Hello! My name is Glenn, and- you guessed it. I'm a roleplayer. well, im trying to get back into it I was originally going to make this all professional and add a list of things I roleplay, but I actually have no idea what I'm doing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯