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  1. Caldwell

    Fantasy Camp Haven

    Arthur grinned as his mom tussled his hair a bit as he stood by the car window. It was about 7 in the morning, and they began the drive very early. Still, even with all that time the two didn't quite have words for the goodbye. "You have everything you need?" His mother asked from inside the...
  2. Caldwell

    Fantasy The Supernatural Kingdoms Character Page

    ame: Arvindr Capsole Vesperina Flemmel the 16th Nickname: "Sies" by Castle staff, "Arv" by close friends Gender: Male Kingdom: Fifth, Human Race: Human Social Standing: Crown Prince Appearance: (Without the modern clothing, will replace when find a...
  3. Caldwell

    Its a me, Mario

    Its a me, Mario
  4. Caldwell

    Fantasy Camp Haven Characters

    Name: Arthur Turner Age: 17 Height: 5'10 Weight: 170 lbs Eye Color: Dark Brown Hair Style & Color: Medium length curly hair, dark brown Position at Camp: Camper Clothing (If Counselor, Clothing is Black Uniform, description in original post.): Baggy orange plain shirts with...
  5. Caldwell

    Just waiting... Waiting to see if the RPs I showed interest in will take off before I decide to...

    Just waiting... Waiting to see if the RPs I showed interest in will take off before I decide to get on more RP's
  6. Caldwell

    Fantasy Guided Heroism

    Absolutely! Whenever you feel like!
  7. Caldwell

    Fantasy Camp Haven

    Hi there! I'd be interested in this as well! Please do let me know when this launches!
  8. Caldwell

    Fantasy Guided Heroism

    Hey there! I'm pretty interested in this roleplay. Please do let me know if this gets going because it sounds great! Also if you're interested, I'd love to bounce ideas about the regions and whatnot with you (this is your roleplay though, and I will totally respect all of your final choices).
  9. Caldwell

    Slayers: Modern Maniacs (reboot)

    Appearance: (I couldn't find a picture so I'll just write something for now until I can find one .-.) Only 5'9 and wimpy in appearance, with shaggy brown hair. His face mostly obscured by his thick glasses, he is not what is normally considered attractive. Name: Alex DeSoto Gender: Male...
  10. Caldwell

    Fantasy I need dedication

    Hello there! I totally like the ideas (especially the orphan wizards xD ) Please do include me when making this rp, as I would love to be apart of it as well as daily postings.
  11. Caldwell

    Futuristic Apocalyptic Survivors (Accepting and Stuff)

    Im totally interested, let me know when you get a cs and all that up!
  12. Caldwell

    TLoU, Survival

    @Caldwell, please edit this post to include any OOC information
  13. Caldwell

    TLoU, Survival

    Character Sheet: Name: (First and last, nick name too if you have one) Age: Bio: (Why are you are where you are, your history with the infected, family, etc) Appearance: (Anime, cartoon, or realistic) Equipment: (Since this is apocalypse themed, everyone pretty much has some pretty...
  14. Caldwell


    That's how I saw it at least
  15. Caldwell


    Awesome! I'll make another one when I can get to a comp. just to fill the gap~
  16. Caldwell


    Is it alright if I make another character to fill gaps?
  17. Caldwell

    Fantasy Immortalist's

    Sitting upright, Isaac was able to breathe again, having the pressure drop significantly. "..." The people around him seemed to be a wise variety of the races, and a wider sort of gifts. "I apologize for the commotion from my end, that was unlike me." He said simply, brushing some glass and dust...
  18. Caldwell

    Fantasy Immortalist's

    After being saved Isaac sat down on floor sweating. "Thanks." Was all he could say, the lights then turning off. He felt someone's leg run into him as he stood up, attempting to see in the dark. He could then hear footsteps coming back, more gunshots, and even some chuckling. Conjuring up a...
  19. Caldwell

    Fantasy Immortalist's

    Normally Isaac wouldn't partake in the violence but right now he didn't think, he only understood. Whipping out his prized book, he raised his palm at several armed men about to shoot. Shooting out several enchanted thorns from the opened book, the men were instantly bound to one another...
  20. Caldwell

    Fantasy Immortalist's

    As the commotion continued Isaac quietly got up from his chair. 'Im not prepared for this, I'm only an apprentice... I shouldn't be here at all." But as the treaty was burned, he felt something start to twist inside, and then snap. As one of the guards approached him demanding to know what his...