Search results for query: *

  1. SilverConsular

    Warden (Latisha MacNiell)

    (My character doesn't have any supernatural powers, so I made the powers section a gadgets section, and combined it with the weapons section. If anything else is needed, please let me know.) Code Name: Warden Mundane Name: Latisha MacNiell Race: Human (non-metahuman)...
  2. SilverConsular

    Ivy Ellesmere

    Hi, I know I'm kind of late. Is it too late to jump in? Name: Ivy Odette Ellesmere Alias/Nickname: IO, Ivy, Odette, etc. Age: 11 Blood-Status: Muggle-born Gender: Female Species: Human MAGICAL CHARACTERISTICS Boggart: A tall man threatening to wrap her in chains Wand: Acacia wood...
  3. SilverConsular


    This may be a stupid question, but I keep seeing these different default titles under my name, and I can't help but wonder what they mean. Can anyone explain this whole 'rank' thing to me?
  4. SilverConsular


    Hello! I'm SilverConsular, and obviously, i'm new here. I look forward to getting some roleplay experience. I have done some, but only a little, and my stuff wasn't very good. I mainly write fanfiction and original stories. I would appreciate knowing some of the people on here so I know...