Search results for query: *

  1. CoyoteGhost

    Jane O. Fisher

    Name: Jane Oregon Fisher Age: 32 Gender: Female Sexuality: Dubiously heterosexual Occupation: Wilton Deputy Height: 6’0” Weight: 194 lbs History: Jane Fisher was born and raised in Wilton by her mother. Her father skipped town after having Jane, leaving her in her mother’s...
  2. CoyoteGhost

    Other Bonding!

    Hey! I found a way a group of people can watch Netflix together! It's a chrome extension called Showgoers! I really hope some of my RP groups are into it because it'd be so cool! I wanna watch Stranger Things with a group of my buds!
  3. CoyoteGhost

    Carmine Maerova

    General Information Name: Carmine Maerova Ethnicity: Kelen Path: Blood Hunter Personality Hopes Fears Regrets Connections Attributes Physical Strength , Dexterity , Fitness  Mental Intellect , Intuition , Willpower  Social Bearing , Guile , Composure ...
  4. CoyoteGhost


    HEY I'M NEW AND I SCRIBBLE. I'm not really sure what to do but hopefully posting my sketches will make me more confident.
  5. CoyoteGhost


    One of my favorite things to see in media is two characters fuse! Be it Steven Universe or Dragon Ball Z or Tales of Zestiria the X, characters get to fuse into more powerful entities! Would this be a workable roleplay mechanic? I'd love to see it one day. Has anyone ever seen it done? How would...
  6. CoyoteGhost


    One of my favorite things to see in media is two characters fuse! Be it Steven Universe or Dragon Ball Z or Tales of Zestiria the X, characters get to fuse into more powerful entities! Would this be a workable roleplay mechanic? I'd love to see it one day. Has anyone ever seen it done? How would...
  7. CoyoteGhost

    Bite of Life!

    <p> So this a historical slice-of-life roleplay centered upon the lives of 19th century vampires. It's meant to be fun, light, and very occasionally spooky and dramatic. You can play as any sort of vampire you like, however, you will still be eating people. </p>
  8. CoyoteGhost

    Bite of Life!

    <p> @CoyoteGhost, please edit this post to include any OOC information </p>
  9. CoyoteGhost

    Bite of Life!

    <p> Character template should include: </p> <div style="text-align:center;"><p>Name: Gender: Age: Appearance: (picture or description) Sexuality: Abilities: Occupation: Bio: (two paragraphs would be more than sufficient) Personality: Likes: Dislikes:</p></div> <p> </p>
  10. CoyoteGhost

    Bite of Life!

    <p> The year is 1835 in the city of Marseille, France. In town, there is a large townhouse owned by the Baron Henri de Flores with rooms available for rent. It is spacious, well furnished, and over all quite a nice place to live most would say. However, there's one strange thing about this...
  11. CoyoteGhost

    Fantasy Bite of Life!

    This is a roleplay that takes place in the year 1835 in France. It's a historical slice-of-life drama featuring a group of housemates who are renting rooms from the resident baron who owns a massive house in town. The twist? Every single person renting a room is not human. And neither is the...
  12. CoyoteGhost

    Other searches frantically in pockets

    So uh....does anybody here just...not really feel like anything at all in regards to gender. Because....some days I don't feel like anything at all. I'm not a boy or a girl. I'm just here. Not one or the other. Sorry to bring weird gender talk here but uh....doesn't look like there's anywhere...
  13. CoyoteGhost

    Character Creation Challenge!

    Heyo! I found a BUNCH of randomizers online and I'm challenging you to use one of these randomizers and make a character to use from em! Here are the ones I've found, screen shot your result and tell us about the character you made! Dogbomber - It’s no secret that I like Lady Knights like...
  14. CoyoteGhost


    <p> What do you associate with your character? Do they have a particular symbology or image that comes to mind? Do you ever make a character around a feeling or image? I know I do. My shapeshifter character Oregon was made when I was in a bad place and felt bad about my body. So she's a...
  15. CoyoteGhost

    A Lack of True Monsters?

    <p> I really love monster roleplays. And there are a lot where you can roleplay as something not entirely human! But I feel like everyone draws the line at something truly monstrous. Monsters aren't fun to roleplay unless their pretty but...I like...big snarly nasty monsters?? Where are they...
  16. CoyoteGhost

    Realistic or Modern Ghosts of Suburbia

    Ever felt that there was something not quite right at the rest stop you were at during a long road trip? Have you ever felt that reality shifts at four in the morning when the world is dark and silent? Do you ever catch your reflection blink in the mirror? Has anything ever felt hyper real or...
  17. CoyoteGhost

    Realistic or Modern Ghosts of Suburbia

    Everything should be up now, nothing too complicated.
  18. CoyoteGhost

    Realistic or Modern Ghosts of Suburbia

    Characters should follow a fairly simple template of: Name: Age: Gender/Pronouns: Background: (brief, two paragraphs is more than enough) Personality: Appearance: (picture or description is fine) Abilities: (if any, these are subject to approval) Quirks: (general extra...
  19. CoyoteGhost

    Realistic or Modern Ghosts of Suburbia

    While waiting at the metro station, you notice a brand new poster up on the wall. On a closer look, it appears to advertising the town of Westport, Oregon as a travel destination. 'Come see our breathtaking cliffs and gorgeous beaches!' exclaims the poster in curly yellow lettering over a...
  20. CoyoteGhost

    Other Coping Mechanisms

    Hey uh, I was just wondering if other people use their characters as like....ways to deal with bad times. I know some do. I guess for example I use my shapeshifter character Oregon to deal with body issues and things. Also, how do y'all cope with things?