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  1. peanutter

    The Four Aces: Rebooted

    Fletcher followed alongside Des, on the lookout for any attackers. Des was still questionable in his mind, but he figured that was just his paranoia talking. After all, they were indeed en route to the medic. Everything was going surprisingly well. The Heart just hoped no one had attacked his...
  2. peanutter

    The Four Aces

    nah i mean Des can beat Fletcher sorry if that was worded weird @Solemn Jester
  3. peanutter

    The Four Aces

    @Solemn Jester Don't worry about Fletcher, Des can take him, easy. I just needed a way to work the little bugger into the plot lol /may this RP never die/ /hype for whatever's next too/
  4. peanutter

    I broke my toe, which hurts, but it means I get to spend more time indoors and online. Yay?

    I broke my toe, which hurts, but it means I get to spend more time indoors and online. Yay?
  5. peanutter

    The Four Aces: Rebooted

    While Fletcher was glad the servant didn't get tortured or anything, he still wished he could have learned the truth, whatever it may be. After all, he still had a bad feeling about this guy. Something just The Heart decided to ignore these feelings for now, as he had a post to...
  6. peanutter

    Activity will be sporadic due to life things. Nothing serious, just been busy. Also, tired. RP...

    Activity will be sporadic due to life things. Nothing serious, just been busy. Also, tired. RP buddies, why u gotta be in another timezone??
  7. peanutter

    The Four Aces: Rebooted

    Fletcher followed alongside 00, occasionally looking back to his post. He felt bad abandoning it, but this might be an emergency. When he arrived on the scene, it certainly seemed like a disaster. People all around and an Ace on the floor. The Ace of Clubs was pretty unmistakable, even when he...
  8. peanutter

    RP System in 2.0 -Teaser-

    /intense fangirl screaming/ THIS LOOKS AMAZING COLOR ME HYPE
  9. peanutter

    The Four Aces: Rebooted

    :Sabina, Queen of Spades: "Yes, I am indeed going to breakfast," she muttered, leaning to look behind El Draco. Something was going on down there, she could hear it. Whoever was making all the commotion wasn't exactly quiet. Of course, whatever was happening wasn't her problem. Breakfast was...
  10. peanutter

    The Four Aces

    *rips a hole through a wall* ok sleeping is nOT A GOOD IDEA THAT'S A LOT OF POSTS @ everyone that have been waiting on me, i'm so sorry omg
  11. peanutter

    Types of role plays and things role players do that annoy you

    @nerdyfangirl I see your points there, the 'bio as weed out' strategy is one that works rather well I'd imagine. My main problem is when people put way too much focus on the bio. Like, it's gotta be 2-3 paragraphs or whatnot. It's quite hard to stretch a relatively normal bio out that long...
  12. peanutter

    The Four Aces: Rebooted

    :Sabina, Queen of Spades: "Of course," she replied in an almost robotic tone of voice. Now the Queen really wondered why El Draco ran with food. It certainly didn't seem to get him anywhere. Except into a door, or through it. "Are you ok?" She took a step closer to the King, face still a...
  13. peanutter

    The Four Aces: Rebooted

    "No breaches as of now ma'am," Fletcher responded, bowing to the magic doll. He had heard rumors of 00's...extreme personality. Whether they were true or not was debatable, but he wasn't going to take any chances. Besides, she was a high ranking robot doll...thing. It would be just plain rude to...
  14. peanutter


  15. peanutter

    Types of role plays and things role players do that annoy you

    @Shog You make many valid points there buddy. Honestly, the backstory thing is just personal preference. I've found that more often than not, putting emphasis on bio makes for a bunch of the same kind of thing. Tragedy! Horror! Death! There are many exceptions to this of course, and lots of...
  16. peanutter

    The Four Aces

    Plot idea; Maybe there's a coup d'etat arranged by the other, non-Ace/King/Queen/Jacks in the castle. They'd try and get more power by allying with the Jokers and plotting to betray them in the end. These same conspirators could come out as the Freedom Brigade later and try to take control with...
  17. peanutter

    The Four Aces: Rebooted

    :Sabina, Queen of Spades: A flora aroma wafted in through an open window, filling the room. The songs of birds echoed from afar, and the buzzing of countless bugs added to the natural orchestra. Earth's beauty had really shined through on that day. A few glimmering sunbeams came through the...
  18. peanutter

    Types of role plays and things role players do that annoy you

    I feel for you buddy. Simple RPs have gotta go by like nothing else. I was in a few RPs that could be comparable to the Simple ones here back in my early days on WCRPG/FF and oh boy. You leave that thing alone for five seconds and the next thing you know 2 characters are dead, 1 is a zombie, and...
  19. peanutter

    Types of role plays and things role players do that annoy you

    Ya know, I really have no room to talk. I'm a newbie, so I've probably sinned more than I realize. Reading through this has been extremely educational though, and I'm pretty surprised that I haven't done too many of these things. Any of these things I do I will stop doing post-haste. I'll try at...
  20. peanutter

    Other explain your icon/avatar/profile picture/whatever

    Mine is Juliet from Fairy Tail. She's a very minor character, basically a one-off villain. She never even really stood out to me, but this facial expression was too good to pass up.