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  1. UniversalPause

    Fantasy Anime family: THERE IS NO PLOT

    Pete: *nodding* Yup. I've got supernatural powers. Wanna see? *holds Ae Ri's and Jin Mi's hands. When he stops time they are also able to move around, lets go of their hands* Pretty cool right?
  2. UniversalPause

    Fantasy Anime family: THERE IS NO PLOT

    Pete: *comes back once he's made sure all of the men in black who were chasing him are gone* Look's like you guys made it out alright.
  3. UniversalPause

    Fantasy Anime family: THERE IS NO PLOT

    Pete: *is on the other side of town being chased by another group of men in black* I can't believe my luck! Wish I knew that trick where I could freeze a person in time... it wouldn't be as draining as stopping all of time! *runs into an abandoned building* I gotta lose them
  4. UniversalPause

    Fantasy Anime family: THERE IS NO PLOT

    Pete: Darling, they're not gonna answer you! *looks around* Should I chicken out this one time? *pauses time* Just this once... I have a bad feeling about these guys. *runs off, time resumes once he's gone*
  5. UniversalPause

    Fantasy Anime family: THERE IS NO PLOT

    Pete: Nope. They didn't disappear. *gets up, but all of the money falls out of his pockets* Shoot *picks it up before helping Ae Ri up* You and I need to get out of here before those guys catch us. Do you have a place to go to? Somewhere to hide?
  6. UniversalPause

    Fantasy Anime family: THERE IS NO PLOT

    Pete: *continues walking, but stops when he notices the men in black, they notice him and start chasing him* You have got to be kidding me... *turns around and starts running back, I need to stop time again. I shouldn't use it this much, but-* Look out! *runs into Ae Ri*
  7. UniversalPause

    Fantasy Anime family: THERE IS NO PLOT

  8. UniversalPause

    Fantasy Anime family: THERE IS NO PLOT

    Pete: *I should probably head out... these guys won't need my help anymore... but what if they do?... no that's not my problem anymore, gets up and walks past the group*
  9. UniversalPause

    Fantasy Anime family: THERE IS NO PLOT

    Pete: Dang... 4-5 states... seems rough. Maybe this once I'll help. Know what, I'll do it. *pauses time, moves everyone a block or two away from the men one by one* Wish I had super strength, that way I could pick up all of these people at once. *once he's moved everyone, he sits on top of a...
  10. UniversalPause

    Fantasy Anime family: THERE IS NO PLOT

    Pete: *sees the money, pauses time to go over and take a buck or two* much obliged, sir. *goes back to hiding and resumes time*
  11. UniversalPause

    Fantasy Anime family: THERE IS NO PLOT

    Pete: *stumbles upon the chaos* Not again... *pauses time so he can inspect what's happening* These dudes in black look familiar... Where have I seen them before? *hides to watch what happens* Hopefully no one won't notice me... *resumes time*
  12. UniversalPause

    Fantasy Anime family: THERE IS NO PLOT

    Pete: *walks down a random street* How did I even get here? I really should pay more attention to where I'm going, but there's no fun in that.
  13. UniversalPause

    Fantasy Anime family: THERE IS NO PLOT

    Nice to see you all again.
  14. UniversalPause

    Fantasy Anime family: THERE IS NO PLOT

    Name: Pete Vasquez Gender: Male Backstory: He grew up in a decent home in the suburbs with only his mother to care for him. He was a happy bouncing boy. When he was 12 his mother was killed and then he went to live with his grandparents. He doesn't try to get revenge or even do good with his...