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  1. alreadyrunout

    Black Butler

    Um if I could may I reserve a spot for a human...? If I have time I'll post it tonight. ^^
  2. alreadyrunout

    News TapaTalk

    I use it 0.o if this poll is still going.
  3. alreadyrunout

    Years Of The Bus ♥ [Inactive]

    "Of course, you know I can't leave without my stuff. It's like a part of me." She smiled as she walked with him. "So how'd you sleep last night? Since I didn't get to ask you this morning." She laughed a bit and almost tripped over again by her bags. "God maybe I should travel lighter?" She...
  4. alreadyrunout

    Years Of The Bus ♥ [Inactive]

    Alex ran behind him, and hugged Eric. "Hey buddy!" She smiled as she released him and walked up to his side. "You excited about the trip?" She exclaimed as her three dufflebags swung, almost taking her down. She started thinking about last night and how much fun they had, though Eric was a...
  5. alreadyrunout

    Years Of The Bus ♥

    Uh I think someone has the same name as my girl @ChloeeGracee
  6. alreadyrunout

    Years Of The Bus ♥ [Inactive]

    She laughed at how he was acting right now. It was too adorable! "So will you be able to go home, finish packing, and come spend the night at my house?" She questioned as she smiled at him. It was noticeable to see how flustered he was, with the fact that his face was turning red. "Meant to ask...
  7. alreadyrunout

    A Trip Around The World

    Name: Melissa 'Mel' Dywer Age: 23 Profession: Part time Nurse Major: Biochemical Science(Doctor) Gender: Female History: Mel comes from a small family, raised with a brother and her grandparents. She became interested in becoming a doctor after she found out what happened to her...
  8. alreadyrunout

    A Trip Around The World

    Sure thing! @ArtisticKwittyKat234
  9. alreadyrunout

    A Trip Around the World

    Please use this as your OOC needs! (:
  10. alreadyrunout

    A Trip Around The World

    Credit to him helping me and since he is one of the authors who helped me come up with this. @Alex Phalin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ College... one of the most exciting thing in a young adults life... but what if a small group of friends went on a trip and never came back...? Things don't...
  11. alreadyrunout

    Years Of The Bus ♥ [Inactive]

    Alex smiled and pulled her hair out of her face. "I would love to. Of course if she doesn't mind." She said softly. "Just hope I get home in time so I can finish packing." She quickly spoke and remembered something. "I meant to ask, are you riding with me tomorrow morning to the school? Or do...
  12. alreadyrunout

    Years Of The Bus ♥

    Sorry wasn't aware.... @Escape_With_Me
  13. alreadyrunout

    Years Of The Bus ♥ [Inactive]

    "I'm sure you can. Music isn't hard and if you are good at it then go to a music school or an arts school which has everything." She smiled at Eric. "You do too get invited to things! We hang out all the time..." she frowned playfully. Alex went over and ruffled his hair. "Plus why does it...
  14. alreadyrunout

    Years Of The Bus ♥ [Inactive]

    Alex smiled at him, "Well all I can say is do something you are good at. Don't give up on challenges like I've had in my life." She said as she shifted her weight onto her left foot. "Sooo. Are you excited? You know for the trip ?" She asked as she gestured with her hands. She did that a lot...
  15. alreadyrunout

    Years Of The Bus ♥ [Inactive]

    "Just waiting to go home like everyone else." She rolled her eyes. She chuckled a bit at him, he was being so awkward again. "And me? Plans? I already told you." She smiled. "I'm going tto Drexel University to get a master degree in forensics. How about you?" She smiled at looked at him. She...
  16. alreadyrunout

    Years Of The Bus ♥ [Inactive]

    Hearing her name she blinked. Who was calling her? She looked around and saw Eric. Her heels clicked on the ground as she made her towards him. "Hey Eric," she smiled softly as she stood beside him. She saw the light blush in his cheeks and wondered if he had a fever or something from this heat...
  17. alreadyrunout

    Years Of The Bus ♥ [Inactive]

    With sun blazing overhead, Alex was dying of heat. With the nice white dress she had on and the red gown for graduation, sure she was dying a bit. She bent down and got her cap and adjusted it back onto her head. Alex didn't like how it messed with her hair. She sighed as she looked around to...
  18. alreadyrunout

    Years Of The Bus ♥

    Name: Alexandria 'Alex' Elridge Age: 17 Gender: Female Personality: Alex may come off as sarcastic, but truthfully she is a sweetheart. But don't let her good side get shown over her bad, if someone is, for say talking about her, she'll go ballistic or will be very furious at them. So it'd...
  19. alreadyrunout


    Name: Alexandria 'Alex' Elridge Age: 23 Personality(two-sided) : *Hard-headed *Sweet *Gentle *Independent * Fearless *Shy Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/uploadfromtaptalk1395783281608.jpg.9d7b21a43d4e8506abda432fa7db224f.jpg"...
  20. alreadyrunout

    Restless Dead (1x1 with alreadyrunout)

    "An Ishtar?! What the hell! I haven't studied enough magic to kill off something! I can freeze something but it doesn't last for long!" She said quickly and drew both her long swords. 'Dear God, I'm not ready. No no no!' She screamed in her head as her heart pounded against her chest. "And if he...