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  1. Infinityx10

    Genetics 101 [Inactive]

    This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period". Please contact an @Rp Moderator if you feel this was a mistake or if you would like to have your role play reactivated. Thank you for your participation...
  2. Infinityx10

    Genetics 101

    Accepted both of you but your link for the pic does not work Jay :)
  3. Infinityx10

    Genetics 101

  4. Infinityx10

    Genetics 101

    Fine by me and accepted
  5. Infinityx10

    Genetics 101

    That's perfectly fine just give him a blank number :) And since their mother was a tick and their father wasn't it would be a form of 50/50 chance with already the slim odds of them being born that hour so its up to you whether they're human or not
  6. Infinityx10

    Genetics 101

    I think that would be reasonable for the older one since she did go through alot of head trauma and perhaps the younger one having a harder time trying to cope with some things
  7. Infinityx10

    Genetics 101

    For the one in the coma? I was thinking later teens so 16-18 would be good, depending on what sister you want. There's the younger one too who would be in her younger teens, if not maybe just a couple years younger than the other one
  8. Infinityx10

    Genetics 101

    Accepted and you can make as many as you want :) And yes you may! That sounds like a great ability
  9. Infinityx10

    Genetics 101

    Please use this thread for all of your OOC needs! Read more about this role play...
  10. Infinityx10

    Genetics 101

    Name: Age: Gender: Sexuality: Appearance Notes/Images (One Picture required or lengthy description): Personality (Optional, just a few notes for now): Ability/Time: Weapon: Family: History: Good or Evil?: Lives with Clyde?: My Form Name: Clyde Fremont Age: 20...
  11. Infinityx10

    Genetics 101 [Inactive]

    Infinityx10 submitted a new role play: Genetics 101 - What truly happens between the midnight hour? Clyde was sitting in a chair with in the main lobby watching the TV. It was not maybe just a few hours ago he had sent out some of the kids to go patrol, he doubted they did much of a job. He...
  12. Infinityx10

    The Mortal Instruments: The Lost Shadow Child

    Thank you so much :)
  13. Infinityx10

    The Mortal Instruments: The Lost Shadow Child

    NAME: Javen X. Nighthollow AGE: 17 GENDER: Male PHYSICAL LOOKS/PICTURE: Noted: His eyes are blue, like crystal blue. He stands at about 6'2". Can he have a heart condition?? BIO: Javen lived a typical life with two parents in a apartment. They weren't considered rich but neither...
  14. Infinityx10

    Hello There :)

    Hey there guys, my name is infinity as you can see but honestly you can call me anything to your heart's content~ Uhm, well I consider myself a fairly good roleplayer and have been dotting my way across several websites. I enjoy reading, writing, drawing, anime, and video games from all sorts of...