Search results for query: *

  1. Rukeya

    Schrödinger's Cat

    His chest heaved with every wheezing breath and he snickered, derisively, at Bandages’ repeated assurances. There was certainly something wrong with this fellow, if not just for the fact that he denied it. The pain is simply your body. How is your mind? “How’s my mind?” His nose wrinkled in...
  2. Rukeya

    One x One The Pantel Expedition

    I've posted, in case you missed the alert (though, no rush).
  3. Rukeya

    The Pantel Expedition

    Duncan followed Guiseppe very closely, half afraid that a strider could, at any moment, topple onto him. This was a nightmare—his nightmare, to be more specific. The cargo bay was just littered with hazards and, what he was sure amounted to, practices that completely went against their own...
  4. Rukeya

    One x One The Pantel Expedition

    No worries! This week is a little hectic, so I've been slow. I promise I won't disappear on you.
  5. Rukeya

    Schrödinger's Cat

    Do you know yours? He shifted his weight, gathering his body to a crouch and nearly fell backwards for it. He hadn’t liked the question, despite having asked a very similar one… and he wasn’t quite sure why. Perhaps it was the directness of it—an admittance of their reality. Not having a name...
  6. Rukeya

    The Pantel Expedition

    Duncan had certainly taken his sweet time in getting there. He wasn’t quite sure what to expect and he was certainly in no hurry to find out; despite the apathy he outwardly displayed, he was actually quite anxious. As soon as he entered, he found his eyes sweeping the cargo bay, taking in his...
  7. Rukeya

    Schrödinger's Cat

    No. I lost my name It made more sense now, or at least he thought it should. To have no name implied they shared a similar impairment: a lack of sense, a lack of self—memories held at arm’s length, behind a veil of a thick fog. And if this stranger really had tried to pluck off his arm, like a...
  8. Rukeya

    Schrödinger's Cat

    The sight of another man was relieving; although, the stranger’s reaction to his upturned lips left a breadth of warning at the back of his addled mind. What sort’uve man gets spooked at a smile? He reasoned, internally. Still, something made his skin prickle and his hair stand on end. He felt...
  9. Rukeya

    Schrödinger's Cat

    The low scraping of movement was what had first captured his attention. His breath caught in his throat and his body stiffened, as his gaze fell on the nondescript figure in the distance. His eyes desperately tried to dilate. Lower your voice, damnit. You'll wake it His mind barely...
  10. Rukeya

    An Awkward Attempt at Partner-Searching

    Is there still an ongoing search?
  11. Rukeya

    The Pantel Expedition

    Are you def Boyd! It would be pointless to answer the question—however apt it was. Duncan stared, closed lipped, at the officer. He focused on an especially distracting, bulging vein between the man’s eyebrows in a valiant attempt to avoid eye contact. The ear was generally the best place to...
  12. Rukeya

    One x One Schrödinger's Cat

    @Rukeya, please edit this post to include any OOC information.
  13. Rukeya

    One x One Schrödinger's Cat

    @Rukeya, please edit this post to include the character/sign-up information.
  14. Rukeya

    Schrödinger's Cat

    His bones ached and his head pounded, like a drum beating, rhythmically. Plop... plop... plop... Droplets of water hit and rolled off his forehead, in tandem. He’d been focused on the sound. Bruised and puffy eyes fluttered open to gaze at pitch black – a ceiling that went on forever...
  15. Rukeya

    The Pantel Expedition

    Duncan had been awake far before chaos erupted through the halls of Red Dawn. He had never slept well—especially not with roommates that tossed and turned, snoring and making all types of maddening sounds in the dark. Still, he stayed in his bunk, eyes focused on the ceiling and he idly watched...
  16. Rukeya

    One x One The Pantel Expedition

  17. Rukeya

    One x One The Pantel Expedition

    Sounds great! Sorry I took so long to throw up my character sheet. Let me know if anything needs any more detail and I'll be right on it!
  18. Rukeya

    One x One The Pantel Expedition

    Character Sheet: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-7_20-1-9.png.ac89be1b160eb9b6a2af0c24f31ee2dc.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="140934"...
  19. Rukeya

    New to the site

    Thanks! Still poking around the site. I'm surprised I haven't found this place until now.
  20. Rukeya

    New to the site

    That would be awesome!