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  1. HazySystem

    One x one pretty please

    Hmmm..Im interested..but i have a few questions and such. PM me?
  2. HazySystem

    Cravings! |Fandom,Non-Fandom|Open|

  3. HazySystem

    Anyone fancy some Tokyo Ghoul?

    Nono!! Its fine! Honestly, I probably wouldnt even be good at the canon characters... ^^' And hmmm...We could maybe try to combine the two? Should we discuss this through PM?
  4. HazySystem

    Anyone fancy some Tokyo Ghoul?

    Hmm..I really like the idea for #4 or #2 but, mainly 4! Also, would we be doing main characters or is it okay if I use OCs?
  5. HazySystem

    Cravings! |Fandom,Non-Fandom|Open|

  6. HazySystem

    MxM or FxF partners, long term?

  7. HazySystem

    FxF Partner?

    Ohh, I'd be more then happy to take a shot at Mistress/Slave or Owner/Animal Girl!
  8. HazySystem

    Cravings! |Fandom,Non-Fandom|Open|

    Ah! Tis okay, not everyone likes doing the whole romance stuff! Everyone has their own preferences.
  9. HazySystem

    Cravings! |Fandom,Non-Fandom|Open|

    For your first question, it doesnt have to be the main focus at all! I would be nice to have some but, it doesnt have to be any part of the main focus. For the second question, they can! I just put that there because alot of people ive RP'd with do it by a dom/sub type! And I...
  10. HazySystem

    Cravings! |Fandom,Non-Fandom|Open|

    Added two pairing types
  11. HazySystem

    You! Yep, you. Click this.

    Hey there! Id be interested with something involving some Criminal/Cop and Kidnapping? Possibly one of the the characters being a con-artist themself.
  12. HazySystem

    Fandom cravings

    I love animal crossing. Its great and Ive been wanting to try out a RP for for..quite a bit now. And yes please!
  13. HazySystem

    Fandom cravings

    -Rolls in- I can do animal crossing!!
  14. HazySystem

    Oh hey dere

    I would be interested in doing a Summoned Demon/A complete stranger to the supernatural world RP with you!
  15. HazySystem

    Cravings! |Fandom,Non-Fandom|Open|

    Oh sweet! PM me and we can discuss details~!
  16. HazySystem

    hyacinth's partner search / detailed fandom or original

    Well..I could possibly go with a Niles/Corrin RP. Only issue is that..I may not be the best person to write for Niles. I..can try but It will surely be horrid. Well, most likely.
  17. HazySystem

    Cravings! |Fandom,Non-Fandom|Open|

    Alright, Ill bump the note we already have and we can see if we could combine that into what we have planned!
  18. HazySystem

    Cravings! |Fandom,Non-Fandom|Open|

    Roleplay Cravings am I right? So! I’m slowly getting free from school and..I think I’d like to get some RPs done! |If I was in a RP with you/Planning a RP with you previously and left the conversation, just bump the conversation and..we can decide if we wanna continue or not~!| About Myself...
  19. HazySystem

    Anyone fancy some Tokyo Ghoul?

    Theres no need to apologize! I totally understand and I have exams this week as well so...I get the pains! Good luck!
  20. HazySystem

    Anyone fancy some Tokyo Ghoul?

    :v Alrighty then!!!!