Search results for query: *

  1. ArasisK

    We are not Alone

    Red nodded and didn't ease up until she was no longer being watched. Standing still for a moment, she let her eyes scan the room. It was large and elegant, yet filled with different new and old navigation equitment. From maps to a telescope, to a high-tech hologram. It amazed Red at just how...
  2. ArasisK

    OOC Chat

    Hmm . . I suppose, if you think it won't make things too cluttered c:  Also, it will probably be a random location, or more than one. Of course not ever gem is going to be in the same place in the beginning. I'll go ahead and look around now and see if any place stands out (its one of the...
  3. ArasisK

    We are not Alone

    Red relaxed a bit, placing her arms behind her once more. "The last time I was able to establish contact they were heading to Sector D17, D30, and E7. It would seem their navagation systems lead them in the wrong direction." She replied. Red knew how to speak to an athority figure, and was quite...
  4. ArasisK

    We are not Alone

    The warp sent shivers up her spine when they arrives, the feeling of the light rushing over her was always an odd feeling. Coming back to her right mind, her eyes set themselves onto Blue Diamond. Her towering figure, cloaked in a deep blue hood, was unmoved by the new arrivals.  Red glanced...
  5. ArasisK

    We are not Alone

    Red watched as Chrissy turned and the door opened. This was a normal thing for her to see, but for some reason the thought of a gem having to turn made her think. Not very important thoughts, mind you, more of 'That seems unnecessarily difficult' and 'Wonder how many times she had to practice...
  6. ArasisK


    Full Name: Olivine Approx. Age: 1,350yr. Race/Species: Gem *Weapon: Grows sharp teeth and protective eye-wear // Animalistic Attacks *Abilities:  > Extremely agile and flexible > Great Strength > Manipulating Gravity only for herself *Main Mission: Protect the Earth and her companions...
  7. ArasisK


    Full Name: Charoite Approx. Age: 9,000 yr. Race/Species: Gem *Weapon: Three-Diamond Pointed Spear *Abilities: > Simple Shape-shifting > Able to Retreat into Gem at Will > Comforting Touch *Main Mission: Survive on Earth Bio Summary: An average gem on Homeworld, she was willingly sent to...
  8. ArasisK

    We are not Alone

    The light touch to her back made her want to move, and move she did. Guided forward, she followed after the green gem staying a step or two behind her. Finally, she would be able to talk to Blue Diamond and get back to her mission.  For a moment, Red's mind wandered. A slightly glint of light...
  9. ArasisK

    We are not Alone

    The look took her by surprised as it wasn't everyday that one of Blue Diamond's gems didn't seem, well, calm. At least that'd what Red has always found. The redness in her face started to fade as she prepared herself to meet with the Diamond, brushing a quick hand through her bangs before making...
  10. ArasisK

    We are not Alone

    Following her gesture toward a waiting area, Red's brow creased. "I have time to wait! I am a scout leader for Yellow Diamond and more than half of my members are out lost in Blue Diamond's territory. If I don't speak to her now, they may wander completely out of range!" Her voice gained volume...
  11. ArasisK

    We are not Alone

    Something was wrong. This simple mission was not going as planned. Not a single member of her team had be able to receive her message and she was starting to get frustrated with this. To be honest, she wasn't even sure if they were sending out at all. Red marched her way towards Blue...
  12. ArasisK

    We are not Alone

    Simple until I can get to a computer    ------------------------- Meet Red Zircon! Or just Red for short. She is a Homeworld gem that takes no sh*t from anyone and likes to her things done the first time. She can be quite rude, but has a soft and almost playful spot for those close...
  13. ArasisK

    Fandom Steven Universe OC Character Sign-up

    @TheUltimateSpiderFan I don't believe this character makes much sense for this certain rp ^^" He seems a bit too out of place, even for a fantasy plot such as this. I, personally, would not use him, but it's up to you. Of you believe he will make a difference in the story line and makes sense in...
  14. ArasisK

    Fandom SU Chat

    Is everyone clear on the plot and how it will work (at least for now)? Anymore questions? c:
  15. ArasisK

    Fandom SU Chat

    Not necessarily. Our corrupted diamond, Black Diamond, was sent to Earth during the war. When Homeworld shot the corrupted stuff onto earth, Black Diamond wasn't able to get out of the way quick enough. She now lays dormant under the crust (which will change after all of the
  16. ArasisK

    Fandom SU Chat

    @KAmber, so he starts out as a loner? Does he join a group during the first arch (when the Homeworld gems visit earth, before Black Diamond becomes known)? Sorry if it says so in your character sheet, I'll have to go back and skim them all.
  17. ArasisK

    Fandom SU Chat

    If you have any questions or concerns, please, go ahead and post them c: Id be happy to answer anything and help.  Also, Nooguy is going to make a Hosted thread for us! To help organize things. I don't quite have the post count just yet.
  18. ArasisK

    Fandom SU Chat

    I just wanted to make sure everyone was here and reading this incredibly important rp information. If you don't know any of this, it will be near impossible to participate on the actual story. I think I'll hide a word somewhere and make sure you say it in your first ever rp reply. It'll be...
  19. ArasisK

    Fandom Steven Universe OC roleplay

    @TheUltimateSpiderFan, have you read over the rest of the boards? c: We're going to be starting here soon, so as long as you're all caught up, go ahead and make your character then jump in the OOC Chat thread! =D
  20. ArasisK

    Fandom SU Chat

    Oh yeah xD Sorry, I forgot. It would actually be quite helpful you for to play her @Nooguy