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  1. SpartFarkles

    Come 1(x1), come all! Interest check.

    Yeah, I definitely am still interested. The newest movie made me love MCU all over again.
  2. SpartFarkles

    Searching for a couple new rp partners (both fandom and non-fandom)

    Bump~ Looking for a new rp or two.
  3. SpartFarkles

    Searching for a couple new rp partners (both fandom and non-fandom)

    Hello again! I had an interest check thread somewhere, but I have lost track of it. So I'm starting a new one because I am in the market for one or two more rps! There's a few things I'd like to mention before we get to the fun stuff: I am an adult with a full-time job, so sometimes I may not...
  4. SpartFarkles

    One x One Searching for a couple 1x1 rp partners (fandom and non-fandom)

    @SpartFarkles, please edit this post to include any OOC information.
  5. SpartFarkles

    Come 1(x1), come all! Interest check.

    Bumping again! I am super duper craving some Raven Cycle rp (especially Pynch)~
  6. SpartFarkles

    Come 1(x1), come all! Interest check.

    Bump! If you responded before but never sent/received a message, please feel free to message me again! I can take on one or two new rps.
  7. SpartFarkles

    Come 1(x1), come all! Interest check.

    Clintasha is the best. They're too cute and I'm so mad they aren't canon!
  8. SpartFarkles

    Come 1(x1), come all! Interest check.

    I don't ship Steve/Loki, but I don't not ship it...if that makes sense haha!
  9. SpartFarkles

    Come 1(x1), come all! Interest check.

    Yay! I'll admit, I'm very rusty on my IWTV lore and I haven't actually finished reading the series, but I love Louis and Lestat so much.
  10. SpartFarkles

    Come 1(x1), come all! Interest check.

    Not in particular! We could always do a post DA2 "on the run" sort of thing. Those are always fun.
  11. SpartFarkles

    Come 1(x1), come all! Interest check.

    I'm game for that! Do you have any plot ideas/tropes you're wanting to do?
  12. SpartFarkles

    Come 1(x1), come all! Interest check.

    I should also add that I am open to non-romantic rps, too, in any of my fandoms or genres.
  13. SpartFarkles

    Come 1(x1), come all! Interest check.

    Hey all! I'm brand new to the site and excited to start doing a few rps. Before we get started, I will say now that I do work 40 hours a week plus a commute. I do have internet at work and I do get breaks and chances to do stuff whilst there, but replies might be slow from me. I also will get...
  14. SpartFarkles

    Types of role plays and things role players do that annoy you

    Exactly. Thank you for wording that better. I know sometimes it's hard to write long paragraphs in detailed rps sometimes, but it's no excuse to control someone's character so they can continue. You can take more time to paint a full picture of what's going on before reaching the point were the...
  15. SpartFarkles


    Wow! You're really talented. Good job!
  16. SpartFarkles

    Gay ships/MxF pairings

    I'm definitely interested in some Clint/Pietro. I'll be sure to PM you when I'm able to do so.
  17. SpartFarkles

    Hoi! I'm new to this place :3

    Hello hello! I'm new as well (and trying to get my 10 posts). It's nice to see other new folk around.
  18. SpartFarkles

    11 Ways to be a Better Roleplayer

    This is very sound advice no matter what kind of rp you're doing, be it a group one, 1x1, or dice rp. Very nice and thanks for sharing! I especially liked the first point.
  19. SpartFarkles

    Well this is new @-@

    @Smugg Thanks a bunch!
  20. SpartFarkles

    Well this is new @-@

    Welcome, welcome! I don't rp anime anymore, but I hope you'll find good rp partners!